path: root/src/_posts
diff options
authorBrian Picciano <>2021-06-23 18:08:29 -0600
committerBrian Picciano <>2021-06-23 18:18:31 -0600
commit9be52bdaa4cf997f51ab2bf4c5fbbb84b1237fd1 (patch)
tree29fef344d6397790e2c44e5b7166cf35efb5898a /src/_posts
parent21fe465deb8905d18c2933c470e97dd4f3a075a4 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/_posts')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/_posts/ b/src/_posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8262c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+title: >-
+ Visualization 6
+description: >-
+ Eat your heart out, Conway!
+series: viz
+tags: tech art
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function randn(n) {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * n);
+const w = 100;
+const h = 50;
+class Canvas {
+ constructor(canvasDOM) {
+ this.dom = canvasDOM;
+ this.ctx = canvasDOM.getContext("2d");
+ // expand canvas element's width to match parent.
+ this.dom.width = this.dom.parentElement.offsetWidth;
+ // rectSize must be an even number or the pixels don't display nicely.
+ this.rectSize = Math.floor(this.dom.width / w /2) * 2;
+ this.dom.width = w * this.rectSize;
+ this.dom.height = h * this.rectSize;
+ }
+ rectSize() {
+ return Math.floor(this.dom.width / w);
+ }
+class Layer {
+ constructor(className, newEl, {
+ maxNewElsPerTick = 10,
+ ageOfDeath = 60,
+ neighborBonusScalar = 1,
+ layerBonusScalar = 1,
+ chaos = 0,
+ } = {}) {
+ this.className = className;
+ this.els = {};
+ this.diff = {};
+ this.newEl = newEl;
+ this.maxNewElsPerTick = maxNewElsPerTick;
+ this.ageOfDeath = ageOfDeath;
+ this.neighborBonusScalar = neighborBonusScalar;
+ this.layerBonusScalar = layerBonusScalar;
+ this.chaos = chaos;
+ }
+ _normCoord(coord) {
+ if (typeof coord !== 'string') coord = JSON.stringify(coord);
+ return coord;
+ }
+ get(coord) {
+ return this.els[this._normCoord(coord)];
+ }
+ getAll() {
+ return Object.values(this.els);
+ }
+ set(coord, el) {
+ this.diff[this._normCoord(coord)] = {action: "set", coord: coord, ...el};
+ }
+ unset(coord) {
+ this.diff[this._normCoord(coord)] = {action: "unset"};
+ }
+ applyDiff() {
+ for (const coordStr in this.diff) {
+ const el = this.diff[coordStr];
+ delete this.diff[coordStr];
+ if (el.action == "set") {
+ delete el.action;
+ this.els[coordStr] = el;
+ } else {
+ delete this.els[coordStr];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ update(state, prevLayer) {
+ // Apply diff from previous update first. The diff can't be applied last
+ // because it needs to be present during the draw phase.
+ this.applyDiff();
+ const allEls = this.getAll().sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
+ if (allEls.length == 0) {
+ const nEl = this.newEl([])
+ nEl.tick = state.tick;
+ this.set([w/2, h/2], nEl);
+ return;
+ }
+ let newEls = 0;
+ for (const el of allEls) {
+ const nCoord = randEmptyNeighboringCoord(this, el.coord);
+ if (!nCoord) continue; // el has no empty neighboring spots
+ const nEl = this.newEl(neighboringElsOf(this, nCoord))
+ nEl.tick = state.tick;
+ this.set(nCoord, nEl);
+ newEls++;
+ if (newEls >= this.maxNewElsPerTick) break;
+ }
+ for (const el of allEls) {
+ const age = state.tick - el.tick;
+ const neighborBonus = neighboringElsOf(this, el.coord).length * this.neighborBonusScalar;
+ const layerBonus = prevLayer
+ ? neighboringElsOf(prevLayer, el.coord, true).length * this.layerBonusScalar
+ : 0;
+ const chaos = (this.chaos > 0) ? randn(this.chaos) : 0;
+ if (age - neighborBonus - layerBonus + chaos >= this.ageOfDeath) {
+ this.unset(el.coord);
+ }
+ }
+ draw(canvas) {
+ for (const coordStr in this.diff) {
+ const el = this.diff[coordStr];
+ const coord = JSON.parse(coordStr);
+ if (el.action == "set") {
+ canvas.ctx.fillStyle = `hsl(${el.h}, ${el.s}, ${el.l})`;
+ canvas.ctx.fillRect(
+ coord[0]*canvas.rectSize, coord[1]*canvas.rectSize,
+ canvas.rectSize, canvas.rectSize,
+ );
+ } else {
+ canvas.ctx.clearRect(
+ coord[0]*canvas.rectSize, coord[1]*canvas.rectSize,
+ canvas.rectSize, canvas.rectSize,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+const neighbors = [
+ [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1],
+ [-1, 0], /* [0, 0], */ [1, 0],
+ [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1],
+function neighborsOf(coord) {
+ return => {
+ let nX = coord[0]+n[0];
+ let nY = coord[1]+n[1];
+ nX = (nX + w) % w;
+ nY = (nY + h) % h;
+ return [nX, nY];
+ });
+function randEmptyNeighboringCoord(layer, coord) {
+ const neighbors = neighborsOf(coord).sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
+ for (const nCoord of neighbors) {
+ if (!layer.get(nCoord)) return nCoord;
+ }
+ return null;
+function neighboringElsOf(layer, coord, includeCoord = false) {
+ const neighboringEls = [];
+ const neighboringCoords = neighborsOf(coord);
+ if (includeCoord) neighboringCoords.push(coord);
+ for (const nCoord of neighboringCoords) {
+ const el = layer.get(nCoord);
+ if (el) neighboringEls.push(el);
+ }
+ return neighboringEls;
+const drift = 30;
+function mkNewEl(l) {
+ return (nEls) => {
+ const s = "100%";
+ if (nEls.length == 0) {
+ return {
+ h: randn(360),
+ s: s,
+ l: l,
+ };
+ }
+ // for each h (which can be considered as degrees around a circle) break the h
+ // down into x and y vectors, and add those up separately. Then find the angle
+ // between those two resulting vectors, and that's the "average" h value.
+ let x = 0;
+ let y = 0;
+ nEls.forEach((el) => {
+ const hRad = el.h * Math.PI / 180;
+ x += Math.cos(hRad);
+ y += Math.sin(hRad);
+ });
+ let h = Math.atan2(y, x);
+ h = h / Math.PI * 180;
+ // apply some random drift, normalize
+ h += (Math.random() * drift * 2) - drift;
+ h = (h + 360) % 360;
+ return {
+ h: h,
+ s: s,
+ l: l,
+ };
+ }
+class Universe {
+ constructor(canvasesByClass, layers) {
+ this.canvasesByClass = canvasesByClass;
+ this.state = {
+ tick: 0,
+ layers: layers,
+ };
+ }
+ update() {
+ this.state.tick++;
+ let prevLayer;
+ this.state.layers.forEach((layer) => {
+ layer.update(this.state, prevLayer);
+ prevLayer = layer;
+ });
+ }
+ draw() {
+ this.state.layers.forEach((layer) => {
+ if (!this.canvasesByClass[layer.className]) return;
+ this.canvasesByClass[layer.className].forEach((canvas) => {
+ layer.draw(canvas);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+.canvasContainer {
+ display: grid;
+ margin-bottom: 2rem;
+ text-align: center;
+canvas {
+ border: 1px dashed #AAA;
+ width: 100%;
+ grid-area: 1/1/2/2;
+<div class="canvasContainer">
+ <canvas class="layer1"></canvas>
+ <canvas class="layer2"></canvas>
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="columns six">
+ <h3>Bottom Layer</h3>
+ <div class="canvasContainer"><canvas class="layer1"></canvas></div>
+ <div class="layer1 layerParams">
+ <label>Max New Elements Per Tick</label><input type="text" param="maxNewElsPerTick" />
+ <label>Age of Death</label><input type="text" param="ageOfDeath" />
+ <label>Neighbor Bonus Scalar</label><input type="text" param="neighborBonusScalar" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="columns six">
+ <h3>Top Layer</h3>
+ <div class="canvasContainer"><canvas class="layer2"></canvas></div>
+ <div class="layer2 layerParams">
+ <label>Max New Elements Per Tick</label><input type="text" param="maxNewElsPerTick" />
+ <label>Age of Death</label><input type="text" param="ageOfDeath" />
+ <label>Neighbor Bonus Scalar</label><input type="text" param="neighborBonusScalar" />
+ <label>Layer Bonus Scalar</label><input type="text" param="layerBonusScalar" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+This visualization is essentially the same as the previous, except that each
+layer now operates with different parameters than the other, allowing each to
+exhibit different behavior.
+Additionally, the top layer has been made to be responsive to the bottom, via a
+new mechanism where the age of an element on the top layer can be extended based
+on the number of bottom layer elements it neighbors.
+Finally, the UI now exposes the actual parameters which are used to tweak the
+behavior of each layer. Modifying any parameter will change the behavior of the
+associated layer in real-time. The default parameters have been chosen such that
+the top layer is now rather dependent on the bottom for sustenance, although it
+can venture away to some extent. However, by playing the parameters yourself you
+can find other behaviors and interesting cause-and-effects that aren't
+immediately obvious. Try it!
+An explanation of the parameters is as follows:
+On each tick, up to `maxNewElements` are created in each layer, where each new
+element neighbors an existing one.
+Additionally, on each tick, _all_ elements in a layer are iterated through. Each
+one's age is determined as follows:
+age = (currentTick - birthTick)
+age -= (numNeighbors * neighborBonusScalar)
+age -= (numBottomLayerNeighbors * layerBonusScalar) // only for top layer
+If an element's age is greater than or equal to the `ageOfDeath` for that layer,
+then the element is removed.
+const canvasesByClass = {};
+[...document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")].forEach((canvasDOM) => {
+ const canvas = new Canvas(canvasDOM);
+ canvasDOM.classList.forEach((name) => {
+ if (!canvasesByClass[name]) canvasesByClass[name] = [];
+ canvasesByClass[name].push(canvas);
+ })
+const layers = [
+ new Layer("layer1", mkNewEl("90%"), {
+ maxNewElsPerTick: 2,
+ ageOfDeath: 30,
+ neighborBonusScalar: 50,
+ }),
+ new Layer("layer2", mkNewEl("50%", ), {
+ maxNewElsPerTick: 10,
+ ageOfDeath: 1,
+ neighborBonusScalar: 15,
+ layerBonusScalar: 5,
+ }),
+for (const layer of layers) {
+ document.querySelectorAll(`.${layer.className}.layerParams > input`).forEach((input) => {
+ const param = input.getAttribute("param");
+ // pre-fill input values
+ input.value = layer[param];
+ input.onchange = () => {
+ console.log(`setting ${layer.className}.${param} to ${input.value}`);
+ layer[param] = input.value;
+ };
+ });
+const universe = new Universe(canvasesByClass, layers);
+const requestAnimationFrame =
+ window.requestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
+function doTick() {
+ universe.update();
+ universe.draw();
+ requestAnimationFrame(doTick);