path: root/src/http/static/viz/1/quil/middlewares/navigation_2d.cljc
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authorBrian Picciano <>2023-08-13 22:06:32 +0200
committerBrian Picciano <>2023-08-13 22:06:32 +0200
commitc4ec9064063f3b15aeb25feb85a3afaaa02008ba (patch)
treec7e9878f69ecc4649024c57e3164b2337ba0fdf2 /src/http/static/viz/1/quil/middlewares/navigation_2d.cljc
parent0bc9cd83b45df0a38c2944569603d6d9cf2e9edd (diff)
Remove leftover static assets specific to individual blog posts
Diffstat (limited to 'src/http/static/viz/1/quil/middlewares/navigation_2d.cljc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/src/http/static/viz/1/quil/middlewares/navigation_2d.cljc b/src/http/static/viz/1/quil/middlewares/navigation_2d.cljc
deleted file mode 100644
index cd03710..0000000
--- a/src/http/static/viz/1/quil/middlewares/navigation_2d.cljc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-(ns quil.middlewares.navigation-2d
- (:require [quil.core :as q :include-macros true]))
-(def ^:private missing-navigation-key-error
- (str "state map is missing :navigation-2d key. "
- "Did you accidentally removed it from the state in "
- ":update or any other handler?"))
-(defn- assert-state-has-navigation
- "Asserts that state map contains :navigation-2d object."
- [state]
- (when-not (:navigation-2d state)
- (throw #?(:clj (RuntimeException. missing-navigation-key-error)
- :cljs (js/Error. missing-navigation-key-error)))))
-(defn- default-position
- "Default position configuration: zoom is neutral and central point is
- width/2, height/2."
- []
- {:position [(/ (q/width) 2.0)
- (/ (q/height) 2.0)]
- :zoom 1})
-(defn- setup-2d-nav
- "Custom 'setup' function which creates initial position
- configuration and puts it to the state map."
- [user-setup user-settings]
- (let [initial-state (-> user-settings
- (select-keys [:position :zoom])
- (->> (merge (default-position))))]
- (update-in (user-setup) [:navigation-2d]
- #(merge initial-state %))))
-(defn- mouse-dragged
- "Changes center of the sketch depending on the last mouse move. Takes
- zoom into account as well."
- [state event]
- (assert-state-has-navigation state)
- (let [dx (- (:p-x event) (:x event))
- dy (- (:p-y event) (:y event))
- zoom (-> state :navigation-2d :zoom)]
- (-> state
- (update-in [:navigation-2d :position 0] + (/ dx zoom))
- (update-in [:navigation-2d :position 1] + (/ dy zoom)))))
-(defn- mouse-wheel
- "Changes zoom settings based on scroll."
- [state event]
- (assert-state-has-navigation state)
- (update-in state [:navigation-2d :zoom] * (+ 1 (* -0.1 event))))
-(defn- draw
- "Calls user draw function with necessary all transformations (position
- and zoom) applied."
- [user-draw state]
- (assert-state-has-navigation state)
- (q/push-matrix)
- (let [nav-2d (:navigation-2d state)
- zoom (:zoom nav-2d)
- pos (:position nav-2d)]
- (q/scale zoom)
- (q/with-translation [(- (/ (q/width) 2 zoom) (first pos))
- (- (/ (q/height) 2 zoom) (second pos))]
- (user-draw state)))
- (q/pop-matrix))
-(defn navigation-2d
- "Enables navigation over 2D sketch. Dragging mouse will move center of the
- skecth and mouse wheel controls zoom."
- [options]
- (let [; 2d-navigation related user settings
- user-settings (:navigation-2d options)
- ; user-provided handlers which will be overridden
- ; by 3d-navigation
- user-draw (:draw options (fn [state]))
- user-mouse-dragged (:mouse-dragged options (fn [state _] state))
- user-mouse-wheel (:mouse-wheel options (fn [state _] state))
- setup (:setup options (fn [] {}))]
- (assoc options
- :setup (partial setup-2d-nav setup user-settings)
- :draw (partial draw user-draw)
- :mouse-dragged (fn [state event]
- (user-mouse-dragged (mouse-dragged state event) event))
- :mouse-wheel (fn [state event]
- (user-mouse-wheel (mouse-wheel state event) event)))))