path: root/static/src/_posts/
diff options
authorBrian Picciano <>2022-05-21 14:07:14 -0600
committerBrian Picciano <>2022-05-21 14:07:14 -0600
commitf3340ae5f4ac6c60823bf4d14e1fcdbeaaec353c (patch)
tree41d7eda870083cfa0776d650478ceeb2baee2837 /static/src/_posts/
parent55eb40d4bb489b2b26ab5d0ce2c70c7cb2f766b7 (diff)
Remove old code related to static, it's not needed anymore
Diffstat (limited to 'static/src/_posts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/static/src/_posts/ b/static/src/_posts/
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index b80eb8d..0000000
--- a/static/src/_posts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-title: >-
- Evaluation of Network Filesystems
-description: >-
- There can only be one.
-series: nebula
-tags: tech
-It's been a bit since updating my progress on what I've been lately calling the
-"cryptic nebula" project. When I last left off I was working on building the
-[mobile nebula][mobile_nebula] using [nix][nix]. For the moment I gave up on
-that dream, as flutter and nix just _really_ don't get along and I don't want to
-get to distracted on problems that aren't critical to the actual goal.
-Instead I'd like to pursue the next critical component of the system, and
-that's a shared filesystem. The use-case I'm ultimately trying to achieve is:
-* All hosts communicate with each other via the nebula network.
-* All hosts are personal machines owned by individuals, _not_ cloud VMs.
-* A handful of hosts are always-on, or at least as always-on as can be achieved
- in a home environment.
-* All hosts are able to read/write to a shared filesystem, which is mounted via
- FUSE (or some other mechanism, though I can't imagine what) on their computer.
-* Top-level directories within the shared filesystem can be restricted, so
- that only a certain person (or host) can read/write to them.
-What I'm looking for is some kind of network filesystem, of which there are
-_many_. This document will attempt to evaluate all relevant projects and come up
-with the next steps. It may be that no project fits the bill perfectly, and that
-I'm stuck either modifying an existing project to my needs or, if things are
-looking really dire, starting a new project.
-The ultimate use-case here is something like a self-hosted, distributed [keybase
-filesystem](; somewhere where individuals in
-the cluster can back up their personal projects, share files with each other,
-and possibly even be used as the base layer for more complex applications on
-The individuals involved shouldn't have to deal with configuring their
-distributed FS, either to read from it or add storage resources to it. Ideally
-the FS process can be bundled together with the nebula process and run opaquely;
-the user is just running their "cryptic nebula" process and everything else is
-handled in the background.
-## Low Pass Filter
-There are some criteria for these projects that I'm not willing to compromise
-on; these criteria will form a low pass filter which, hopefully, will narrow our
-search appreciably.
-The network filesystem used by the cryptic nebula must:
-* Be able to operate over a nebula network (obviously).
-* Be open-source. The license doesn't matter, as long as the code is available.
-* Run on both Mac and Linux.
-* Not require a third-party to function.
-* Allows for a replication factor of 3.
-* Supports sharding of data (ie each host need not have the entire dataset).
-* Allow for mounting a FUSE filesystem in any hosts' machine to interact with
- the network filesystem.
-* Not run in the JVM, or any other VM which is memory-greedy.
-The last may come across as mean, but the reason for it is that I forsee the
-network filesystem client running on users' personal laptops, which cannot be
-assumed to have resources to spare.
-## Rubric
-Each criteria in the next set lies along a spectrum. Any project may meet one of
-thses criteria fully, partially, or not at all. For each criteria I assign a
-point value according to how fully a project meets the criteria, and then sum up
-the points to give the project a final score. The project with the highest final
-score is not necessarily the winner, but this system should at least give some
-good candidates for final consideration.
-The criteria, and their associated points values, are:
-* **Hackability**: is the source-code of the project approachable?
- - 0: No
- - 1: Kind of, and there's not much of a community.
- - 2: Kind of, but there is an active community.
- - 3: Yes
-* **Documentation**: is the project well documented?
- - 0: No docs.
- - 1: Incomplete or out-of-date docs.
- - 2: Very well documented.
-* **Transience**: how does the system handle hosts appearing or disappearing?
- - 0: Requires an automated system to be built to handle adding/removing
- hosts.
- - 1: Gracefully handled.
-* **Priority**: is it possible to give certain hosts priority when choosing
- which will host/replicate some piece of data?
- - 0: No.
- - 1: Yes.
-* **Caching**: will hosts reading a file have that file cached locally for the
- next reading (until the file is modified)?
- - 0: No.
- - 1: Yes.
-* **Conflicts**: if two hosts updated the same file at the same time, how is
- that handled?
- - 0: The file can no longer be updated.
- - 1: One update clobbers the other, or both go through in an undefined
- order.
- - 2: One update is disallowed.
- - 3: A copy of the file containing the "losing" update is created (ie: how
- dropbox does it).
- - 4: Strategy can be configured on the file/directory level.
-* **Consistency**: how does the system handle a file being changed frequently?
- - 0: File changes must be propagated before subsequent updates are allowed (fully consistent).
- - 1: Files are snapshotted at some large-ish interval (eventually consistent).
- - 2: File state (ie content hash, last modifid, etc) is propagated
- frequently but contents are only fully propagated once the file has
- "settled" (eventually consistent with debounce).
-* **POSIX**: how POSIX compliant is the mounted fileystem?
- - 0: Only the most basic features are implemented.
- - 1: Some extra features are implemented.
- - 2: Fully POSIX compliant.
-* **Scale**: how many hosts can be a part of the cluster?
- - 0: A finite number.
- - 1: A finite number of dedicated hosts, infinite ephemeral.
- - 2: Infinite hosts.
-* **Failure**: how does the system handle failures (network partitions, hosts
- hanging, buggy client versions)?
- - 0: Data loss.
- - 1: Reads and writes are halted.
- - 2: Reads are allowed but writes are halted.
- - 3: System is partially read/write, except effected parts.
-* **Limitations**: are there limits on how big files can be, or how big
- directories can be?
- - 0: Files are limited to below 1TB in size.
- - 1: Directories are limited to below 100,000 files.
- - 2: No limits.
-* **Encryption**: how is data encrypted?
- - 0: Not at all, DIY.
- - 1: Encrypted at rest.
- - 2: Per-user encryption.
-* **Permissions**: how are modifications to data restricted?
- - 0: Not at all.
- - 1: Permissions are only superifically enforced.
- - 2: Fully enforced user/group restrictions, complex patterns, and/or POSIX ACLs.
-* **Administration**: how much administration is required for the system to
- function?
- - 0: Frequent.
- - 1: Infrequent.
- - 2: Essentially none.
-* **Simplicity**: how understandable is the system as a whole?
- - 0: Very complex.
- - 1: Understandable with some study.
- - 2: Very simple, easy to predict.
-* **Visibility**: how much visibility is available into processes within the
- system?
- - 0: Total black box.
- - 1: Basic logging.
- - 2: CLI tooling.
- - 3: Exportable metrics (e.g. prometheus).
-## Evaluations
-With the rubric defined, let's start actually working through our options! There
-are many, many different possibilities, so this may not be an exhaustive list.
-### [Ceph](
-> The Ceph File System, or CephFS, is a POSIX-compliant file system built on
-> top of Ceph’s distributed object store, RADOS. CephFS endeavors to provide a
-> state-of-the-art, multi-use, highly available, and performant file store for
-> a variety of applications, including traditional use-cases like shared home
-> directories, HPC scratch space, and distributed workflow shared storage.
-- Hackability: 2. Very active community, but it's C++.
-- Documentation: 2. Hella docs, very daunting.
-- Transience: 0. Adding hosts seems to require multiple configuration steps.
-- Priority: 1. There is fine-tuning on a per-host basis.
-- Caching: 1. Clients can cache both metadata and block data.
-- Conflicts: 1. The FS behaves as much like a real FS as possible.
-- Consistency: 0. System is CP.
-- POSIX: 2. Fully POSIX compliant.
-- Scale: 2. Cluster can grow without any real bounds.
-- Failure: 3. There's no indication anywhere that Ceph goes into any kind of cluster-wide failure mode.
-- Limitations: 2. There are performance considerations with large directories, but no hard limits.
-- Encryption: 0. None to speak of.
-- Permissions: 2. POSIX ACLs supported.
-- Administration: 1. This is a guess, but Ceph seems to be self-healing in general, but still needs hand-holding in certain situations (adding/removing nodes, etc...)
-- Simplicity: 0. There are many moving pieces, as well as many different kinds of processes and entities.
-- Visibility: 3. Lots of tooling to dig into the state of the cluster, as well as a prometheus module.
-TOTAL: 22
-#### Comments
-Ceph has been recommended to me by a few people. It is clearly a very mature
-project, though that maturity has brought with it a lot of complexity. A lot of
-the complexity of Ceph seems to be rooted in its strong consistency guarantees,
-which I'm confident it fulfills well, but are not really needed for the
-use-case I'm interested in. I'd prefer a simpler, eventually consistent,
-system. It's also not clear to me that Ceph would even perform very well in my
-use-case as it seems to want an actual datacenter deployment, with beefy
-hardware and hosts which are generally close together.
-### [GlusterFS](
-> GlusterFS is a scalable network filesystem suitable for data-intensive tasks
-> such as cloud storage and media streaming. GlusterFS is free and open source
-> software and can utilize common off-the-shelf hardware.
-- Hackability: 2. Mostly C code, but there is an active community.
-- Documentation: 2. Good docs.
-- Transience: 0. New nodes cannot add themselves to the pool.
-- Priority: 0. Data is distributed based on consistent hashing algo, nothing else.
-- Caching: 1. Docs mention client-side caching layer.
-- Conflicts: 0. File becomes frozen, manual intervention is needed to save it.
-- Consistency: 0. Gluster aims to be fully consistent.
-- POSIX: 2. Fully POSIX compliant.
-- Scale: 2. No apparent limits.
-- Failure: 3. Clients determine on their own whether or not they have a quorum for a particular sub-volume.
-- Limitations: 2. Limited by the file system underlying each volume, I think.
-- Encryption: 2. Encryption can be done on the volume level, each user could have a private volume.
-- Permissions: 2. ACL checking is enforced on the server-side, but requires syncing of users and group membership across servers.
-- Administration: 1. Beyond adding/removing nodes the system is fairly self-healing.
-- Simplicity: 1. There's only one kind of server process, and the configuration of volumes is is well documented and straightforward.
-- Visibility: 3. Prometheus exporter available.
-TOTAL: 23
-#### Comments
-GlusterFS was my initial choice when I did a brief survey of DFSs for this
-use-case. However, after further digging into it I think it will suffer the
-same ultimate problem as CephFS: too much consistency for a wide-area
-application like I'm envisioning. The need for syncing user/groups across
-machines as actual system users is also cumbersome enough to make it not a
-great choice.
-### [MooseFS](
-> MooseFS is a Petabyte Open Source Network Distributed File System. It is easy
-> to deploy and maintain, highly reliable, fault tolerant, highly performing,
-> easily scalable and POSIX compliant.
-> MooseFS spreads data over a number of commodity servers, which are visible to
-> the user as one resource. For standard file operations MooseFS acts like
-> ordinary Unix-like file system.
-- Hackability: 2. All C code, pretty dense, but backed by a company.
-- Documentation: 2. There's a giant PDF you can read through like a book. I
- guess that's.... good?
-- Transience: 0. Nodes must be added manually.
-- Priority: 1. There's "Storage Classes".
-- Caching: 1. Caching is done on the client, and there's some synchronization
- with the master server around it.
-- Conflicts: 1. Both update operations will go through.
-- Consistency: 0. Afaict it's a fully consistent system, with a master server
- being used to synchronize changes.
-- POSIX: 2. Fully POSIX compliant.
-- Scale: 2. Cluster can grow without any real bounds.
-- Failure: 1. If the master server is unreachable then the client can't
- function.
-- Limitations: 2. Limits are very large, effectively no limit.
-- Encryption: 0. Docs make no mention of encryption.
-- Permissions: 1. Afaict permissions are done by the OS on the fuse mount.
-- Administration: 1. It seems that if the topology is stable there shouldn't be
- much going on.
-- Simplicity: 0. There are many moving pieces, as well as many different kinds of processes and entities.
-- Visibility: 2. Lots of cli tooling, no prometheus metrics that I could find.
-TOTAL: 17
-Overall MooseFS seems to me like a poor-developer's Ceph. It can do exactly the
-same things, but with less of a community around it. The sale's pitch and
-feature-gating also don't ingratiate it to me. The most damning "feature" is the
-master metadata server, which acts as a SPOF and only sort of supports
-replication (but not failover, unless you get Pro).
-## Cutting Room Floor
-The following projects were intended to be reviewed, but didn't make the cut for
-various reasons.
-* Tahoe-LAFS: The FUSE mount (which is actually an SFTP mount) doesn't support
- mutable files.
-* HekaFS: Doesn't appear to exist anymore(?)
-* IPFS-cluster: Doesn't support sharding.
-* MinFS: Seems to only work off S3, no longer maintained anyway.
-* DRDB: Linux specific, no mac support.
-* BeeGFS: No mac support (I don't think? I couldn't find any indication it
- supports macs at any rate).
-* NFS: No support for sharding the dataset.
-## Conclusions
-Going through the featuresets of all these different projects really helped me
-focus in on how I actually expect this system to function, and a few things
-stood out to me:
-* Perfect consistency is not a goal, and is ultimately harmful for this
- use-case. The FS needs to propagate changes relatively quickly, but if two
- different hosts are updating the same file it's not necessary to synchronize
- those updates like a local filesystem would; just let one changeset clobber
- the other and let the outer application deal with coordination.
-* Permissions are extremely important, and yet for all these projects are
- generally an afterthought. In a distributed setting we can't rely on the OS
- user/groups of a host to permission read/write access. Instead that must be
- done primarily via e2e encryption.
-* Transience is not something most of these project expect, but is a hard
- requirement of this use-case. In the long run we need something which can be
- run on home hardware on home ISPs, which is not reliable at all. Hosts need to
- be able to flit in and out of existence, and the cluster as a whole needs to
- self-heal through that process.
-In the end, it may be necessary to roll our own project for this, as I don't
-think any of the existing distributed file systems are suitable for what's