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+title: >-
+ Program Structure and Composability
+description: >-
+ Discussing the nature of program structure, the problems presented by
+ complex structures, and a pattern which helps in solving those problems.
+hide: true
+## Part 0: Introduction
+This post is focused on a concept I call "program structure", which I will try
+to shed some light on before discussing complex program structures, then
+discussing why complex structures can be problematic to deal with, and finally
+discussing a pattern for dealing with those problems.
+My background is as a backend engineer working on large projects that have had
+many moving parts; most had multiple programs interacting with each other, using
+many different databases in various contexts, and facing large amounts of load
+from millions of users. Most of this post will be framed from my perspective,
+and will present problems in the way I have experienced them. I believe,
+however, that the concepts and problems I discuss here are applicable to many
+other domains, and I hope those with a foot in both backend systems and a second
+domain can help to translate the ideas between the two.
+Also note that I will be using Go as my example language, but none of the
+concepts discussed here are specific to Go. To that end, I've decided to favor
+readable code over "correct" code, and so have elided things that most gophers
+hold near-and-dear, such as error checking and proper documentation, in order to
+make the code as accessible as possible to non-gophers as well. As with before,
+I trust someone with a foot in Go and another language can translate help me
+translate between the two.
+## Part 1: Program Structure
+In this section I will discuss the difference between directory and program
+structure, show how global state is antithetical to compartmentalization (and
+therefore good program structure), and finally discuss a more effective way to
+think about program structure.
+### Directory Structure
+For a long time I thought about program structure in terms of the hierarchy
+present in the filesystem. In my mind, a program's structure looked like this:
+// The directory structure of a project called gobdns.
+ config/
+ dns/
+ http/
+ ips/
+ persist/
+ repl/
+ snapshot/
+ main.go
+What I grew to learn was that this conflation of "program structure" with
+"directory structure" is ultimately unhelpful. While can't be denied that every
+program has a directory structure (and if not, it ought to), this does not mean
+that the way the program looks in a filesystem in any way corresponds to how it
+looks in our mind's eye.
+The most notable way to show this is to consider a library package. Here is the
+structure of a simple web-app which uses redis (my favorite database) as a
+ redis/
+ http/
+ main.go
+If I were to ask you, based on that directory strucure, what the program does,
+in the most abstract terms, you might say something like: "The program
+establishes an http server which listens for requests. It also establishes a
+connection to the redis server. The program then interacts with redis in
+different ways, based on the http requests which are received on the server."
+And that would be a good guess. Here's a diagram which depicts the program
+structure, wherein the root node, `main.go`, takes in requests from `http` and
+processes them using `redis`.
+{% include image.html
+ dir="program-structure" file="diag1.jpg" width=519
+ descr="Example 1"
+ %}
+This is certainly a viable guess for how a program with that directory structure
+operates, but consider another answer: "A component of the program called
+`server` establishes an http server which listens for requests. `server` also
+establishes a connection to a redis server. `server` then interacts with that
+redis connection in different ways, based on the http requests which are
+received on the http server. Additionally, `server` tracks statistics about
+these interactions and makes them available to other components. The root
+component of the program establishes a connection to a second redis server, and
+stores those statistics in that redis server." Here's another diagram to depict
+_that_ program.
+{% include image.html
+ dir="program-structure" file="diag2.jpg" width=712
+ descr="Example 2"
+ %}
+The directory structure could apply to either description; `redis` is just a
+library which allows for interacting with a redis server, but it doesn't specify
+_which_ server, or _how many_. And those are extremely important factors which
+are definitely reflected in our concept of the program's structure, and yet not
+in the directory structure. **What the directory structure reflects are the
+different _kinds_ of components available to use, but it does not reflect how a
+program will use those components.**
+### Global State vs Compartmentalization
+The directory-centric view of structure often leads to the use of global
+singletons to manage access to external resources like RPC servers and
+databases. In examples 1 and 2 the `redis` library might contain code which
+looks something like:
+// A mapping of connection names to redis connections.
+var globalConns = map[string]*RedisConn{}
+func Get(name string) *RedisConn {
+ if globalConns[name] == nil {
+ globalConns[name] = makeRedisConnection(name)
+ }
+ return globalConns[name]
+Even though this pattern would work, it breaks with our conception of the
+program structure in more complexes cases like example 2. Rather than the
+`redis` component being owned by the `server` component, which actually uses it,
+it would be practically owned by _all_ components, since all are able to use it.
+Compartmentalization has been broken, and can only be held together through
+sheer human discipline.
+**This is the problem with all global state. It's shareable amongst all components
+of a program, and so is accountable to none of them.** One must look at an
+entire codebase to understand how a globally held component is used, which might
+not even be possible for a large codebase. And so the maintainers of these
+shared components rely entirely on the discipline of their fellow coders when
+making changes, usually discovering where that discipline broke down once the
+changes have been pushed live.
+Global state also makes it easier for disparate programs/components to share
+datastores for completely unrelated tasks. In example 2, rather than creating a
+new redis instance for the root component's statistics storage, the coder might
+have instead said "well, there's already a redis instance available, I'll just
+use that." And so compartmentalization would have been broken further. Perhaps
+the two instances _could_ be coalesced into the same one, for the sake of
+resource efficiency, but that decision would be better made at runtime via the
+configuration of the program, rather than being hardcoded into the code.
+From the perspective of team management, global state-based patterns do nothing
+except slow teams down. The person/team responsible for maintaining the central
+library in which shared components live (`redis`, in the above examples) becomes
+the bottleneck for creating new instances for new components, which will further
+lead to re-using existing instances rather than creating new ones, further
+breaking compartmentalization. The person/team responsible for the central
+library often finds themselves as the maintainers of the shared resource as
+well, rather than the team actually using it.
+### Component Structure
+So what does proper program structure look like? In my mind the structure of a
+program is a hierarchy of components, or, in other words, a tree. The leaf nodes
+of the tree are almost _always_ IO related components, e.g. database
+connections, RPC server frameworks or clients, message queue consumers, etc...
+The non-leaf nodes will _generally_ be components which bring together the
+functionalities of their children in some useful way, though they may also have
+some IO functionality of their own.
+Let's look at an even more complex structure, still only using the `redis` and
+`http` component types:
+{% include image.html
+ dir="program-structure" file="diag3.jpg" width=729
+ descr="Example 3"
+ %}
+This component structure contains the addition of the `debug` component. Clearly
+the `http` and `redis` components are reusable in different contexts, but for
+this example the `debug` endpoint is as well. It creates a separate http server
+which can be queried to perform runtime debugging of the program, and can be
+tacked onto virtually any program. The `rest-api` component is specific to this
+program and therefore not reusable. Let's dive into it a bit to see how it might
+be implemented:
+// RestAPI is very much not thread-safe, hopefully it doesn't have to handle
+// more than one request at once.
+type RestAPI struct {
+ redisConn *redis.RedisConn
+ httpSrv *http.Server
+ // Statistics exported for other components to see
+ RequestCount int
+ FooRequestCount int
+ BarRequestCount int
+func NewRestAPI() *RestAPI {
+ r := new(RestAPI)
+ r.redisConn := redis.NewConn("")
+ // mux will route requests to different handlers based on their URL path.
+ mux := http.NewServeMux()
+ mux.HandleFunc("/foo", r.fooHandler)
+ mux.HandleFunc("/bar", r.barHandler)
+ r.httpSrv := http.NewServer(mux)
+ // Listen for requests and serve them in the background.
+ go r.httpSrv.Listen(":8000")
+ return r
+func (r *RestAPI) fooHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ r.redisConn.Command("INCR", "fooKey")
+ r.RequestCount++
+ r.FooRequestCount++
+func (r *RestAPI) barHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ r.redisConn.Command("INCR", "barKey")
+ r.RequestCount++
+ r.BarRequestCount++
+As can be seen, `rest-api` coalesces `http` and `redis` into a simple REST-like
+api, using pre-made library components. `main.go`, the root component, does much
+the same:
+func main() {
+ // Create debug server and start listening in the background
+ debugSrv := debug.NewServer()
+ // Set up the RestAPI, this will automatically start listening
+ restAPI := NewRestAPI()
+ // Create another redis connection and use it to store statistics
+ statsRedisConn := redis.NewConn("")
+ for {
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+ statsRedisConn.Command("SET", "numReqs", restAPI.RequestCount)
+ statsRedisConn.Command("SET", "numFooReqs", restAPI.FooRequestCount)
+ statsRedisConn.Command("SET", "numBarReqs", restAPI.BarRequestCount)
+ }
+One thing which is clearly missing in this program is proper configuration,
+whether from command-line, environment variables, etc.... As it stands, all
+configuration parameters, such as the redis addresses and http listen addresses,
+are hardcoded. Proper configuration actually ends up being somewhat difficult,
+as the ideal case would be for each component to set up its own configuration
+variables, without its parent needing to be aware. For example, `redis` could
+set up `addr` and `pool-size` parameters. The problem is that there are two
+`redis` components in the program, and their parameters would therefore conflict
+with each other. An elegant solution to this problem is discussed in the next
+## Part 2: Components, Configuration, and Runtime
+The key to the configuration problem is to recognize that, even if there are two
+of the same component in a program, they can't occupy the same place in the
+program's structure. In the above example there are two `http` components, one
+under `rest-api` and the other under `debug`. Since the structure is represented
+as a tree of components, the "path" of any node in the tree uniquely represents
+it in the structure. For example, the two `http` components in the previous
+example have these paths:
+root -> rest-api -> http
+root -> debug -> http
+If each component were to know its place in the component tree, then it would
+easily be able to ensure that its configuration and initialization didn't
+conflict with other components of the same type. If the `http` component sets up
+a command-line parameter to know what address to listen on, the two `http`
+components in that program would set up:
+So how can we enable each component to know its path in the component structure?
+To answer this we'll have to take a detour through a type, called `Component`.
+### Component and Configuration
+The `Component` type is a made up type (though you'll be able to find an
+implementation of it at the end of this post). It has a single primary purpose,
+and that is to convey the program's structure to new components.
+To see how this is done, let's look at a couple of `Component`'s methods:
+// Package mcmp
+// New returns a new Component which has no parents or children. It is therefore
+// the root component of a component hierarchy.
+func New() *Component
+// Child returns a new child of the called upon Component.
+func (*Component) Child(name string) *Component
+// Path returns the Component's path in the component hierarchy. It will return
+// an empty slice if the Component is the root component.
+func (*Component) Path() []string
+`Child` is used to create a new `Component`, corresponding to a new child node
+in the component structure, and `Path` is used retrieve the path of any
+`Component` within that structure. For the sake of keeping the examples simple
+let's pretend these functions have been implemented in a package called `mcmp`.
+Here's an example of how `Component` might be used in the `redis` component's
+// Package redis
+func NewConn(cmp *mcmp.Component, defaultAddr string) *RedisConn {
+ cmp = cmp.Child("redis")
+ paramPrefix := strings.Join(cmp.Path(), "-")
+ addrParam := flag.String(paramPrefix+"-addr", defaultAddr, "Address of redis instance to connect to")
+ // finish setup
+ return redisConn
+In our above example, the two `redis` components' parameters would be:
+// This first parameter is for the stats redis, whose parent is the root and
+// therefore doesn't have a prefix. Perhaps stats should be broken into its own
+// component in order to fix this.
+`Component` definitely makes it easier to instantiate multiple redis components
+in our program, since it allows them to know their place in the component
+Having to construct the prefix for the parameters ourselves is pretty annoying
+though, so let's introduce a new package, `mcfg`, which acts like `flag` but is
+aware of `Component`. Then `redis.NewConn` is reduced to:
+// Package redis
+func NewConn(cmp *mcmp.Component, defaultAddr string) *RedisConn {
+ cmp = cmp.Child("redis")
+ addrParam := flag.String(cmp, "-addr", defaultAddr, "Address of redis instance to connect to")
+ // finish setup
+ return redisConn
+#### But What About Parse?
+Sharp-eyed gophers will notice that there's a key piece missing: When is
+`flag.Parse`, or its `mcfg` counterpart, called? When does `addrParam` actually
+get populated? You can't use the redis connection until that happens, but that
+can't happen inside `redis.NewConn` because there might be other components
+after `redis.NewConn` which want to set up parameters. To illustrate the
+problem, let's look at a simple program which wants to set up two `redis`
+func main() {
+ // Create the root Component, an empty Component.
+ cmp := mcmp.New()
+ // Create the Components for two sub-components, foo and bar.
+ cmpFoo := cmp.Child("foo")
+ cmpBar := cmp.Child("bar")
+ // Now we want to try to create a redis sub-component for each component.
+ // This will set up the parameter "--foo-redis-addr", but bar hasn't had a
+ // chance to set up its corresponding parameter, so the command-line can't
+ // be parsed yet.
+ fooRedis := redis.NewConn(cmpFoo, "")
+ // This will set up the parameter "--bar-redis-addr", but, as mentioned
+ // before, redis.NewConn can't parse command-line.
+ barRedis := redis.NewConn(cmpBar, "")
+ // If the command-line is parsed here, then how can fooRedis and barRedis
+ // have been created yet? It's only _after_ this point that `fooRedis` and
+ // `barRedis` could possibly be usable.
+ mcfg.Parse()
+We will solve this problem in the next section.
+### Instantiation vs Initialization
+Let's break down `redis.NewConn` into two phases: instantiation and initialization.
+Instantiation refers to creating the component on the component structure and
+having it declare what it needs in order to initialize (e.g. configuration
+parameters). During instantiation nothing external to the program is performed;
+no IO, no reading of the command-line, no logging, etc... All that's happened is
+that the empty template of a `redis` component has been created.
+Initialization is the phase when that template is filled in. Configuration
+parameters are read, startup actions like the creation of database connections
+are performed, and logging is output for informational and debugging purposes.
+The key to making effective use of this dichotemy is to allow _all_ components
+to instantiate themselves before they initialize themselves. By doing this we
+can ensure that, for example, all components have had the chance to declare
+their configuration parameters before configuration parsing is done.
+So let's modify `redis.NewConn` so that it follows this dichotemy. It makes
+sense to leave instantiation related code where it is, but we need a mechanism
+by which we can declare initialization code before actually calling it. For
+this, I will introduce the idea of a "hook".
+#### But First: Augment Component
+In order to support hooks, however, `Component` will need to be augmented with
+a few new methods. Right now it can only carry with it information about the
+component structure, but here we will add the ability to carry arbitrary
+key/value information as well:
+// Package mcmp
+// SetValue sets the given key to the given value on the Component, overwriting
+// any previous value for that key.
+func (*Component) SetValue(key, value interface{})
+// Value returns the value which has been set for the given key, or nil if the
+// key was never set.
+func (*Component) Value(key interface{}) interface{}
+// Children returns the Component's children in the order they were created.
+func (*Component) Children() []*Component
+The final method allows us to, starting at the root `Component`, traverse the
+component structure, interacting with each `Component`'s key/value store. This
+will be useful for implementing hooks.
+#### Hooks
+A hook is, simply a function which will run later. We will declare a new
+package, calling it `mrun`, and say that it has two new functions:
+// Package mrun
+// InitHook registers the given hook to the given Component.
+func InitHook(cmp *mcmp.Component, hook func())
+// Init runs all hooks registered using InitHook. Hooks are run in the order
+// they were registered.
+func Init(cmp *mcmp.Component)
+With these two functions we are able to defer the initialization phase of
+startup by using the same `Component`s we were passing around for the purpose of
+denoting component structure.
+Now, with these few extra pieces of functionality in place, let's reconsider the
+most recent example, and make a program which creates two redis components which
+exist independently of each other:
+// Package redis
+// NOTE that NewConn has been renamed to InstConn, to reflect that the returned
+// *RedisConn is merely instantiated, not initialized.
+func InstConn(cmp *mcmp.Component, defaultAddr string) *RedisConn {
+ cmp = cmp.Child("redis")
+ // we instantiate an empty RedisConn instance and parameters for it. Neither
+ // has been initialized yet. They will remain empty until initialization has
+ // occurred.
+ redisConn := new(RedisConn)
+ addrParam := mcfg.String(cmp, "-addr", defaultAddr, "Address of redis instance to connect to")
+ mrun.InitHook(cmp, func() {
+ // This hook will run after parameter initialization has happened, and
+ // so addrParam will be usable. Once this hook as run, redisConn will be
+ // usable as well.
+ *redisConn = makeRedisConnection(*addrParam)
+ })
+ // Now that cmp has had configuration parameters and intialization hooks
+ // set into it, return the empty redisConn instance back to the parent.
+ return redisConn
+// Package main
+func main() {
+ // Create the root Component, an empty Component.
+ cmp := mcmp.New()
+ // Create the Components for two sub-components, foo and bar.
+ cmpFoo := cmp.Child("foo")
+ cmpBar := cmp.Child("bar")
+ // Add redis components to each of the foo and bar sub-components.
+ redisFoo := redis.InstConn(cmpFoo, "")
+ redisBar := redis.InstConn(cmpBar, "")
+ // Parse will descend into the Component and all of its children,
+ // discovering all registered configuration parameters and filling them from
+ // the command-line.
+ mcfg.Parse(cmp)
+ // Now that configuration parameters have been initialized, run the Init
+ // hooks for all Components.
+ mrun.Init(cmp)
+ // At this point the redis components have been fully initialized and may be
+ // used. For this example we'll copy all keys from one to the other.
+ keys := redisFoo.Command("KEYS", "*")
+ for i := range keys {
+ val := redisFoo.Command("GET", keys[i])
+ redisBar.Command("SET", keys[i], val)
+ }
+## Conclusion
+While the examples given here are fairly simplistic, the pattern itself is quite
+powerful. Codebases naturally accumulate small, domain specific behaviors and
+optimizations over time, especially around the IO components of the program.
+Databases are used with specific options that an organization finds useful,
+logging is performed in particular places, metrics are counted around certain
+pieces of code, etc...
+By programming with component structure in mind we are able to keep these
+optimizations while also keeping the clarity and compartmentalization of the
+code in-tact. We are able to keep our code flexible and configurable, while also
+re-usable and testable. And the simplicity of the tools involved means it can be
+extended and retrofitted for nearly any situation or use-case.
+Overall, it's a powerful pattern that I've found myself unable to do without
+once I began using it.
+### Implementation
+As a final note, you can find an example implementation of the packages
+described in this post here:
+* [mcmp](
+* [mcfg](
+* [mrun](
+The packages are not stable and are likely to change frequently. You'll also
+find that they have been extended quite a bit from the simple descriptions found
+here, based on what I've found useful as I've implemented programs using
+component structures. With these two points in mind, I would encourage you to
+look in and take whatever functionality you find useful for yourself, and not
+use the packages directly. The core pieces are not different from what has been
+described in this post.