path: root/src/http/static/viz/1/viz/forest.cljs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/http/static/viz/1/viz/forest.cljs')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/http/static/viz/1/viz/forest.cljs b/src/http/static/viz/1/viz/forest.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9810089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/http/static/viz/1/viz/forest.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+(ns viz.forest)
+(defn new-forest []
+ {:nodes {}
+ :roots #{}
+ :leaves #{}
+ :next-id 0})
+(defn- new-id [forest]
+ (let [id (:next-id forest)]
+ [(assoc forest :next-id (inc id))
+ id]))
+(defn- unset-parent [forest id parent-id]
+ (-> forest
+ (update-in [:nodes id] dissoc :parent-id :parent-pos)
+ (update-in [:nodes parent-id :child-ids] disj id)
+ (update-in [:roots] conj id)
+ (update-in [:leaves] conj parent-id)
+ ))
+(defn- set-parent [forest id parent-id]
+ (let [parent-pos (get-in forest [:nodes parent-id :pos])
+ prev-parent-id (get-in forest [:nodes id :parent-id])
+ ]
+ (-> forest
+ (assoc-in [:nodes id :parent-id] parent-id)
+ (assoc-in [:nodes id :parent-pos] parent-pos)
+ (update-in [:nodes parent-id :child-ids] #(if %1 (conj %1 id) #{id}))
+ (update-in [:roots] disj id)
+ (update-in [:leaves] disj parent-id)
+ ;; If there was a previous parent of the child, unset that shit
+ (#(if prev-parent-id (unset-parent %1 id prev-parent-id) %1))
+ )))
+(defn add-node [forest pos]
+ (let [[forest id] (new-id forest)
+ forest (-> forest
+ (assoc-in [:nodes id] {:id id :pos pos})
+ (update-in [:roots] conj id)
+ (update-in [:leaves] conj id)
+ )
+ ]
+ [forest id]))
+(defn remove-node [forest id]
+ (let [child-ids (get-in forest [:nodes id :child-ids])
+ parent-id (get-in forest [:nodes id :parent-id])]
+ (-> forest
+ ;; unset this node's parent, if it has one
+ (#(if parent-id (unset-parent %1 id parent-id) %1))
+ ;; unset this node's children, if it has any
+ ((fn [forest] (reduce #(unset-parent %1 %2 id) forest child-ids)))
+ ;; remove from all top-level sets
+ (update-in [:nodes] dissoc id)
+ (update-in [:roots] disj id)
+ (update-in [:leaves] disj id)
+ )))
+(defn get-node [forest id]
+ (get-in forest [:nodes id]))
+(defn spawn-child [forest parent-id pos]
+ (let [[forest id] (add-node forest pos)
+ forest (-> forest
+ (set-parent id parent-id)
+ )
+ ]
+ [forest id]))
+(defn roots [forest] (-> forest :nodes (select-keys (:roots forest)) (vals)))
+(defn root? [node] (not (boolean (:parent-id node))))
+(defn leaves [forest] (-> forest :nodes (select-keys (:leaves forest)) (vals)))
+(defn leaf? [node] (empty? (:child-ids node)))
+(defn lines [forest]
+ (->> forest
+ (:nodes)
+ (vals)
+ (remove #(empty? (:parent-pos %)))
+ (map #(vector (:pos %) (:parent-pos %)))
+ ))
+(def my-forest
+ (let [forest (new-forest)
+ [forest id0] (add-node forest [0 0])
+ [forest id1] (spawn-child forest id0 [1 1])
+ [forest id2] (spawn-child forest id0 [-1 -1])
+ [forest id3] (spawn-child forest id1 [2 2])
+ forest (remove-node forest id1)
+ ]
+ forest))
+(identity my-forest)
+(lines my-forest)