path: root/srv/chat/chat.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'srv/chat/chat.go')
1 files changed, 475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/srv/chat/chat.go b/srv/chat/chat.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44449cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srv/chat/chat.go
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+// Package chat implements a simple chatroom system.
+package chat
+import (
+ "context"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "strconv"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// ErrInvalidArg is returned from methods in this package when a call fails due
+// to invalid input.
+type ErrInvalidArg struct {
+ Err error
+func (e ErrInvalidArg) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("invalid argument: %v", e.Err)
+var (
+ errInvalidMessageID = ErrInvalidArg{Err: errors.New("invalid Message ID")}
+// UserID uniquely identifies an individual user who has posted a message in a
+// Room.
+type UserID struct {
+ // Name will be the user's chosen display name.
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ // Hash will be a hex string generated from a secret only the user knows.
+ Hash string `json:"id"`
+// Message describes a message which has been posted to a Room.
+type Message struct {
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ UserID UserID `json:"userID"`
+ Body string `json:"body"`
+func msgFromStreamEntry(entry radix.StreamEntry) (Message, error) {
+ // NOTE this should probably be a shortcut in radix
+ var bodyStr string
+ for _, field := range entry.Fields {
+ if field[0] == "json" {
+ bodyStr = field[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if bodyStr == "" {
+ return Message{}, errors.New("no 'json' field")
+ }
+ var msg Message
+ if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bodyStr), &msg); err != nil {
+ return Message{}, fmt.Errorf(
+ "json unmarshaling body %q: %w", bodyStr, err,
+ )
+ }
+ msg.ID = entry.ID.String()
+ return msg, nil
+// MessageIterator returns a sequence of Messages which may or may not be
+// unbounded.
+type MessageIterator interface {
+ // Next blocks until it returns the next Message in the sequence, or the
+ // context error if the context is cancelled, or io.EOF if the sequence has
+ // been exhausted.
+ Next(context.Context) (Message, error)
+ // Close should always be called once Next has returned an error or the
+ // MessageIterator will no longer be used.
+ Close() error
+// HistoryOpts are passed into Room's History method in order to affect its
+// result. All fields are optional.
+type HistoryOpts struct {
+ Limit int // defaults to, and is capped at, 100.
+ Cursor string // If not given then the most recent Messages are returned.
+func (o HistoryOpts) sanitize() (HistoryOpts, error) {
+ if o.Limit < 0 || o.Limit > 100 {
+ o.Limit = 100
+ }
+ if o.Cursor != "" {
+ id, err := parseStreamEntryID(o.Cursor)
+ if err != nil {
+ return HistoryOpts{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing Cursor: %w", err)
+ }
+ o.Cursor = id.String()
+ }
+ return o, nil
+// Room implements functionality related to a single, unique chat room.
+type Room interface {
+ // Append accepts a new Message and stores it at the end of the room's
+ // history. The original Message is returned with any relevant fields (e.g.
+ // ID) updated.
+ Append(context.Context, Message) (Message, error)
+ // Returns a cursor and the list of historical Messages in time descending
+ // order. The cursor can be passed into the next call to History to receive
+ // the next set of Messages.
+ History(context.Context, HistoryOpts) (string, []Message, error)
+ // Listen returns a MessageIterator which will return all Messages appended
+ // to the Room since the given ID. Once all existing messages are iterated
+ // through then the MessageIterator will begin blocking until a new Message
+ // is posted.
+ Listen(ctx context.Context, sinceID string) (MessageIterator, error)
+ // Delete deletes a Message from the Room.
+ Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error
+ // Close is used to clean up all resources created by the Room.
+ Close() error
+// RoomParams are used to instantiate a new Room. All fields are required unless
+// otherwise noted.
+type RoomParams struct {
+ Logger *mlog.Logger
+ Redis radix.Client
+ ID string
+ MaxMessages int
+func (p RoomParams) streamKey() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("chat:{%s}:stream", p.ID)
+type room struct {
+ params RoomParams
+ closeCtx context.Context
+ closeCancel context.CancelFunc
+ wg sync.WaitGroup
+ listeningL sync.Mutex
+ listening map[chan Message]struct{}
+ listeningLastID radix.StreamEntryID
+// NewRoom initializes and returns a new Room instance.
+func NewRoom(ctx context.Context, params RoomParams) (Room, error) {
+ params.Logger = params.Logger.WithNamespace("chat-room")
+ r := &room{
+ params: params,
+ listening: map[chan Message]struct{}{},
+ }
+ r.closeCtx, r.closeCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+ // figure out the most recent message, if any.
+ lastEntryID, err := r.mostRecentMsgID(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("discovering most recent entry ID in stream: %w", err)
+ }
+ r.listeningLastID = lastEntryID
+ r.wg.Add(1)
+ go func() {
+ defer r.wg.Done()
+ r.readStreamLoop(r.closeCtx)
+ }()
+ return r, nil
+func (r *room) Close() error {
+ r.closeCancel()
+ r.wg.Wait()
+ return nil
+func (r *room) mostRecentMsgID(ctx context.Context) (radix.StreamEntryID, error) {
+ var entries []radix.StreamEntry
+ err := r.params.Redis.Do(ctx, radix.Cmd(
+ &entries,
+ "XREVRANGE", r.params.streamKey(), "+", "-", "COUNT", "1",
+ ))
+ if err != nil || len(entries) == 0 {
+ return radix.StreamEntryID{}, err
+ }
+ return entries[0].ID, nil
+func (r *room) Append(ctx context.Context, msg Message) (Message, error) {
+ msg.ID = "" // just in case
+ b, err := json.Marshal(msg)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Message{}, fmt.Errorf("json marshaling Message: %w", err)
+ }
+ key := r.params.streamKey()
+ maxLen := strconv.Itoa(r.params.MaxMessages)
+ body := string(b)
+ var id string
+ err = r.params.Redis.Do(ctx, radix.Cmd(
+ &id, "XADD", key, "MAXLEN", "=", maxLen, "*", "json", body,
+ ))
+ if err != nil {
+ return Message{}, fmt.Errorf("posting message to redis: %w", err)
+ }
+ msg.ID = id
+ return msg, nil
+const zeroCursor = "0-0"
+func (r *room) History(ctx context.Context, opts HistoryOpts) (string, []Message, error) {
+ opts, err := opts.sanitize()
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", nil, err
+ }
+ key := r.params.streamKey()
+ end := opts.Cursor
+ if end == "" {
+ end = "+"
+ }
+ start := "-"
+ count := strconv.Itoa(opts.Limit)
+ msgs := make([]Message, 0, opts.Limit)
+ streamEntries := make([]radix.StreamEntry, 0, opts.Limit)
+ err = r.params.Redis.Do(ctx, radix.Cmd(
+ &streamEntries,
+ "XREVRANGE", key, end, start, "COUNT", count,
+ ))
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("calling XREVRANGE: %w", err)
+ }
+ var oldestEntryID radix.StreamEntryID
+ for _, entry := range streamEntries {
+ oldestEntryID = entry.ID
+ msg, err := msgFromStreamEntry(entry)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", nil, fmt.Errorf(
+ "parsing stream entry %q: %w", entry.ID, err,
+ )
+ }
+ msgs = append(msgs, msg)
+ }
+ if len(msgs) < opts.Limit {
+ return zeroCursor, msgs, nil
+ }
+ cursor := oldestEntryID.Prev()
+ return cursor.String(), msgs, nil
+func (r *room) readStream(ctx context.Context) error {
+ r.listeningL.Lock()
+ lastEntryID := r.listeningLastID
+ r.listeningL.Unlock()
+ redisAddr := r.params.Redis.Addr()
+ redisConn, err := radix.Dial(ctx, redisAddr.Network(), redisAddr.String())
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("creating redis connection: %w", err)
+ }
+ defer redisConn.Close()
+ streamReader := (radix.StreamReaderConfig{}).New(
+ redisConn,
+ map[string]radix.StreamConfig{
+ r.params.streamKey(): {After: lastEntryID},
+ },
+ )
+ for {
+ dlCtx, dlCtxCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
+ _, streamEntry, err := streamReader.Next(dlCtx)
+ dlCtxCancel()
+ if errors.Is(err, radix.ErrNoStreamEntries) {
+ continue
+ } else if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("fetching next entry from stream: %w", err)
+ }
+ msg, err := msgFromStreamEntry(streamEntry)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("parsing stream entry %q: %w", streamEntry, err)
+ }
+ r.listeningL.Lock()
+ var dropped int
+ for ch := range r.listening {
+ select {
+ case ch <- msg:
+ default:
+ dropped++
+ }
+ }
+ if dropped > 0 {
+ ctx := mctx.Annotate(ctx, "msgID", msg.ID, "dropped", dropped)
+ r.params.Logger.WarnString(ctx, "some listening channels full, messages dropped")
+ }
+ r.listeningLastID = streamEntry.ID
+ r.listeningL.Unlock()
+ }
+func (r *room) readStreamLoop(ctx context.Context) {
+ for {
+ err := r.readStream(ctx)
+ if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
+ return
+ } else if err != nil {
+ r.params.Logger.Error(ctx, "reading from redis stream", err)
+ }
+ }
+type listenMsgIterator struct {
+ ch <-chan Message
+ missedMsgs []Message
+ sinceEntryID radix.StreamEntryID
+ cleanup func()
+func (i *listenMsgIterator) Next(ctx context.Context) (Message, error) {
+ if len(i.missedMsgs) > 0 {
+ msg := i.missedMsgs[0]
+ i.missedMsgs = i.missedMsgs[1:]
+ return msg, nil
+ }
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return Message{}, ctx.Err()
+ case msg := <
+ entryID, err := parseStreamEntryID(msg.ID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Message{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing Message ID %q: %w", msg.ID, err)
+ } else if !i.sinceEntryID.Before(entryID) {
+ // this can happen if someone Appends a Message at the same time
+ // as another calls Listen. The Listener might have already seen
+ // the Message by calling History prior to the stream reader
+ // having processed it and updating listeningLastID.
+ continue
+ }
+ return msg, nil
+ }
+ }
+func (i *listenMsgIterator) Close() error {
+ i.cleanup()
+ return nil
+func (r *room) Listen(
+ ctx context.Context, sinceID string,
+) (
+ MessageIterator, error,
+) {
+ var sinceEntryID radix.StreamEntryID
+ if sinceID != "" {
+ var err error
+ if sinceEntryID, err = parseStreamEntryID(sinceID); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing sinceID: %w", err)
+ }
+ }
+ ch := make(chan Message, 32)
+ r.listeningL.Lock()
+ lastEntryID := r.listeningLastID
+ r.listening[ch] = struct{}{}
+ r.listeningL.Unlock()
+ cleanup := func() {
+ r.listeningL.Lock()
+ defer r.listeningL.Unlock()
+ delete(r.listening, ch)
+ }
+ key := r.params.streamKey()
+ start := sinceEntryID.Next().String()
+ end := "+"
+ if lastEntryID != (radix.StreamEntryID{}) {
+ end = lastEntryID.String()
+ }
+ var streamEntries []radix.StreamEntry
+ err := r.params.Redis.Do(ctx, radix.Cmd(
+ &streamEntries,
+ "XRANGE", key, start, end,
+ ))
+ if err != nil {
+ cleanup()
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("retrieving missed stream entries: %w", err)
+ }
+ missedMsgs := make([]Message, len(streamEntries))
+ for i := range streamEntries {
+ msg, err := msgFromStreamEntry(streamEntries[i])
+ if err != nil {
+ cleanup()
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf(
+ "parsing stream entry %q: %w", streamEntries[i].ID, err,
+ )
+ }
+ missedMsgs[i] = msg
+ }
+ return &listenMsgIterator{
+ ch: ch,
+ missedMsgs: missedMsgs,
+ sinceEntryID: sinceEntryID,
+ cleanup: cleanup,
+ }, nil
+func (r *room) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
+ return r.params.Redis.Do(ctx, radix.Cmd(
+ nil, "XDEL", r.params.streamKey(), id,
+ ))