From 6b56556dba3dc11610a45c4ff36a71c6d8f39392 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brian Picciano Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:30:24 -0700 Subject: cryptic-fs --- .../_posts/ | 258 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 258 insertions(+) create mode 100644 static/src/_posts/ (limited to 'static/src/_posts') diff --git a/static/src/_posts/ b/static/src/_posts/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c4138b --- /dev/null +++ b/static/src/_posts/ @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +--- +title: >- + The Cryptic Filesystem +description: >- + Hey, I'm brainstorming here! +series: nebula +tags: tech +--- + +Presently the cryptic-net project has two components: a VPN layer (implemented +using [nebula][nebula], and DNS component which makes communicating across that +VPN a bit nicer. All of this is wrapped up in a nice bow using an AppImage and a +simple process manager. The foundation is laid for adding the next major +component: a filesystem layer. + +I've done a lot of research and talking about this layer, and you can see past +posts in this series talking about it. Unfortunately, I haven't really made much +progress on a solution. It really feels like there's nothing out there already +implemented, and we're going to have to do it from scratch. + +To briefly recap the general requirements of the cryptic network filesystem +(cryptic-fs), it must have: + +* Sharding of the fs dataset, so each node doesn't need to persist the full + dataset. + +* Replication factor (RF), so each piece of content must be persisted by at + least N nodes of the clusters. + +* Nodes are expected to be semi-permanent. They are expected to be in it for the + long-haul, but they also may flit in and out of existence frequently. + +* Each cryptic-fs process should be able to track multiple independent + filesystems, with each node in the cluster not necessarily tracking the same + set of filesystems as the others. + +This post is going to be a very high-level design document for what, in my head, +is the ideal implementation of cryptic-fs. _If_ cryptic-fs is ever actually +implemented it will very likely differ from this document in major ways, but one +must start somewhere. + +[nebula]: + +## Merkle DAG + +It wouldn't be a modern network filesystem project if there wasn't a [Merkle +DAG][mdag]. The minutia of how a Merkle DAG works isn't super important here, +the important bits are: + +* Each file is represented by a content identifier (CID), which is essentially a + consistent hash of the file's contents. + +* Each directory is also represented by a CID which is generated by hashing the + CIDs of the directory's files and their metadata. + +* Since the root of the filesystem is itself a directory, the entire filesystem + can be represented by a single CID. By tracking the changing root CID all + hosts participating in the network filesystem can cheaply identify the latest + state of the entire filesystem. + +A storage system for a Merkle DAG is implemented as a key-value store which maps +CID to directory node or file contents. When nodes in the cluster communicate +about data in the filesystem they will do so using these CIDs; one node might +ask the other "can you give me CID `AAA`", and the other would respond with the +contents of `AAA` without really caring about whether or not that CID points to +a file or directory node or whatever. It's quite a simple system. + +As far as actual implementation of the storage component, it's very likely we +could re-use some part of the IPFS code-base rather than implementing this from +scratch. + +[mdag]: + +## Consensus + +The cluster of nodes needs to (roughly) agree on some things in order to +function: + +* What the current root CID of the filesystem is. + +* Which nodes have which CIDs persisted. + +These are all things which can change rapidly, and which _every_ node in the +cluster will need to stay up-to-date on. On the other hand, given efficient use +of the boolean tagged CIDs mentioned in the previous section, this is a dataset +which could easily fit in memory even for large filesystems. + +I've done a bunch of research here and I'm having trouble finding anything +existing which fits the bill. Most databases expect the set of nodes to be +pretty constant, so that eliminates most of them. Here's a couple of other ideas +I spitballed: + +* Taking advantage of the already written [go-ds-crdt][crdt] package which the + [IPFS Cluster][ipfscluster] project uses. My biggest concern with this + project, however, is that the entire history of the CRDT must be stored on + each node, which in our use-case could be a very long history. + +* Just saying fuck it and using a giant redis replica-set, where each node in + the cluster is a replica and one node is chosen to be the primary. [Redis + sentinel][sentinel] could be used to decide the current primary. The issue is + that I don't think sentinel is designed to handle hundreds or thousands of + nodes, which places a ceiling on cluster capacity. I'm also not confident that + the primary node could handle hundreds/thousands of replicas syncing from it + nicely; that's not something Redis likes to do. + +* Using a blockchain engine like [Tendermint][tendermint] to implement a custom, + private blockchain for the cluster. This could work performance-wise, but I + think it would suffer from the same issue as CRDT. + +It seems to me like some kind of WAN-optimized gossip protocol would be the +solution here. Each node already knows which CIDs it itself has persisted, so +what's left is for all nodes to agree on the latest root CID, and to coordinate +who is going to store what long-term. + +[crdt]: +[ipfscluster]: +[sentinel]: +[tendermint]: + +### Gossip + +The [gossipsub][gossipsub] library which is built into libp2p seems like a good +starting place. It's optimized for WANs and, crucially, is already implemented. + +Gossipsub makes use of different topics, onto which peers in the cluster can +publish messages which other peers who are subscribed to those topics will +receive. It makes sense to have a topic-per-filesystem (remember, from the +original requirements, that there can be multiple filesystems being tracked), so +that each node in the cluster can choose for itself which filesystems it cares +to track. + +The messages which can get published will be dependent on the different +situations in which nodes will want to communicate, so it's worth enumerating +those. + +**Situation #1: Node A wants to obtain a CID**: Node A will send out a +`WHO_HAS:` message (not the actual syntax) to the topic. Node B (and +possibly others), which has the CID persisted, will respond with `I_HAVE:`. +The response will be sent directly from B to A, not broadcast over the topic, +since only A cares. The timing of B's response to A could be subject to a delay +based on B's current load, such that another less loaded node might get its +response in first. + +From here node A would initiate a download of the CID from B via a direct +connection. If node A has enough space then it will persist the contents of the +CID for the future. + +This situation could arise because the user has opened a file in the filesystem +for reading, or has attempted to enumerate the contents of a directory, and the +local storage doesn't already contain that CID. + +**Situation #2: Node A wants to delete a CID which it has persisted**: Similar +to #1, Node A needs to first ensure that other nodes have the CID persisted, in +order to maintain the RF across the filesystem. So node A first sends out a +`WHO_HAS:` message. If >=RF nodes respond with `I_HAVE:` then node A +can delete the CID from its storage without concern. Otherwise it should not +delete the CID. + +**Situation #2a: Node A wants to delete a CID which it has persisted, and which +is not part of the current filesystem**: If the filesystem is in a state where +the CID in question is no longer present in the system, then node A doesn't need +to care about the RF and therefore doesn't need to send any messages. + +**Situation #3: Node A wants to update the filesystem root CID**: This is as +simple as sending out a `ROOT:` message on the topic. Other nodes will +receive this and note the new root. + +**Situation #4: Node A wants to know the current filesystem root CID**: Node A +sends out a `ROOT?` message. Other nodes will respond to node A directly telling +it the current root CID. + +These describe the circumstances around the messages used across the gossip +protocol in a very shallow way. In order to properly flesh out the behavior of +the consistency mechanism we need to dive in a bit more. + +### Optimizations, Replication, and GC + +A key optimization worth hitting straight away is to declare that each node will +always immediately persist all directory CIDs whenever a `ROOT:` message is +received. This will _generally_ only involve a couple of round-trips with the +host which issued the `ROOT:` message, with opportunity for +parallelization. + +This could be a problem if the directory structure becomes _huge_, at which +point it might be worth placing some kind of limit on what percent of storage is +allowed for directory nodes. But really... just have less directories people! + +The next thing to dive in on is replication. We've already covered in situation + #1 what happens if a user specifically requests a file. But that's not enough +to ensure the RF of the entire filesystem, as some files might not be requested +by any users except the original user to add the file. + +We can note that each node knows when a file has been added to the filesystem, +thanks to each node knowing the full directory tree. So upon seeing that a new +file has been added, a node can issue a `WHO_HAS:` message for it, and if +less than RF nodes respond then it can persist the CID. This is all assuming +that the node has enough space for the new file. + +One wrinkle in that plan is that we don't want all nodes to send the +`WHO_HAS:` at the same time for the same CID, otherwise they'll all end up +downloading the CID and over-replicating it. A solution here is for each node to +delay it's `WHO_HAS:` based on how much space it has left for storage, so +nodes with more free space are more eager to pull in new files. + +Additionally, we want to have nodes periodically check the replication status of +each CID in the filesystem. This is because nodes might pop in and out of +existence randomly, and the cluster needs to account for that. The way this can +work is that each node periodically picks a CID at random and checks the +replication status of it. If the period between checks is calculated as being +based on number of online nodes in the cluster and the number of CIDs which can +be checked, then it can be assured that all CIDs will be checked within a +reasonable amount of time with minimal overhead. + +This dovetails nicely with garbage collection. Given that nodes can flit in and +out of existence, a node might come back from having been down for a time, and +all CIDs it had persisted would then be over-replicated. So the same process +which is checking for under-replicated files will also be checking for +over-replicated files. + +### Limitations + +This consistency mechanism has a lot of nice properties: it's eventually +consistent, it nicely handles nodes coming in and out of existence without any +coordination between the nodes, and it _should_ be pretty fast for most cases. +However, it has its downsides. + +There's definitely room for inconsistency between each node's view of the +filesystem, especially when it comes to the `ROOT:` messages. If two nodes +issue `ROOT:` messages at the same time then it's extremely likely nodes +will have a split view of the filesystem, and there's not a great way to +resolve this until another change is made on another node. This is probably the +weakest point of the whole design. + +[gossipsub]: + +## FUSE + +The final piece is the FUSE connector for the filesystem, which is how users +actually interact with each filesystem being tracked by their node. This is +actually the easiest component, if we use an idea borrowed from +[Tahoe-LAFS][tahoe], cryptic-fs can expose an SFTP endpoint and that's it. + +The idea is that hooking up an existing SFTP implementation to the rest of +cryptic-fs should be pretty straightforward, and then every OS should already +have some kind of mount-SFTP-as-FUSE mechanism already, either built into it or +as an existing application. Exposing an SFTP endpoint also allows a user to +access the cryptic-fs remotely if they want to. + +[tahoe]: + +## Ok + +So all that said, clearly the hard part is the consistency mechanism. It's not +even fully developed in this document, but it's almost there. The next step, +beyond polishing up the consistency mechanism, is going to be roughly figuring +out all the interfaces and types involved in the implementation, planning out +how those will all interact with each other, and then finally an actual +implementation! -- cgit v1.2.3