# 👻 mediocregopher's lil web corner This here's my little corner of the web, where I publish posts about projects I'm working on and things that interest me (which you can follow, if you like). => {{ BlogURL "posts/" }} Browse all posts {{ $getPostsRes := .GetPosts 0 1 -}} {{ if gt (len $getPostsRes.Posts) 0 -}} {{ $post := index $getPostsRes.Posts 0 -}} => {{ PostURL $post.ID }} (Latest post: {{ $post.Title }}) {{ end -}} => {{ BlogURL "feed.xml" }} RSS feed Below you'll find other information and links related to me. ## Social Feel free to hmu over email or Signal if you'd like to get in touch. => mailto:me@mediocregopher Email: me@mediocregopher.com => {{ BlogURL "me@mediocregopher.com.gpg" }} GPG Key => https://signal.me/#eu/x5psueq2E3WfFwwEgFDoWeSZx9k4u8vFBaiMSa4Lo0cvluHkb-dIpJp1wfdJsdie Signal: mediocregopher.01 ## Dev => https://code.betamike.com/mediocregopher Gitea is for newer open-source code I've written. => https://github.com/mediocregopher Github is for older open-source code I've written. => gemini://godocs.io/github.com/mediocregopher/radix/v4 radix is for using redis with go. => https://code.betamike.com/micropelago micropelago implements the foundation of a community infrastucture. => https://dev.mediocregopher.com/mediocre-blog.git mediocre-blog is the CMS I designed from scratch to run this site. ## Other => https://bgpicciano.com/ bgpicciano.com is my cover site/resume. => https://news.cryptic.io/ Cryptic News aggregates interesting blogs. => https://opensea.io/mediocregopher?tab=created OpenSea lists some NFTs I've made. I'm not affiliated with these, but they're worth listing. => https://search.marginalia.nu/ Marginalia reminds me of the old internet. => https://www.nts.live/ NTS is a great internet radio station. => https://yamakan.place/palestine/# Radio alHara is another great internet radio station. {{ template "footer.gmi" . }}