// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Utilities for creating functions. Loosely inspired by the * java classes: http://goo.gl/GM0Hmu and http://goo.gl/6k7nI8. * * @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos) */ goog.provide('goog.functions'); /** * Creates a function that always returns the same value. * @param {T} retValue The value to return. * @return {function():T} The new function. * @template T */ goog.functions.constant = function(retValue) { return function() { return retValue; }; }; /** * Always returns false. * @type {function(...): boolean} */ goog.functions.FALSE = goog.functions.constant(false); /** * Always returns true. * @type {function(...): boolean} */ goog.functions.TRUE = goog.functions.constant(true); /** * Always returns NULL. * @type {function(...): null} */ goog.functions.NULL = goog.functions.constant(null); /** * A simple function that returns the first argument of whatever is passed * into it. * @param {T=} opt_returnValue The single value that will be returned. * @param {...*} var_args Optional trailing arguments. These are ignored. * @return {T} The first argument passed in, or undefined if nothing was passed. * @template T */ goog.functions.identity = function(opt_returnValue, var_args) { return opt_returnValue; }; /** * Creates a function that always throws an error with the given message. * @param {string} message The error message. * @return {!Function} The error-throwing function. */ goog.functions.error = function(message) { return function() { throw Error(message); }; }; /** * Creates a function that throws the given object. * @param {*} err An object to be thrown. * @return {!Function} The error-throwing function. */ goog.functions.fail = function(err) { return function() { throw err; }; }; /** * Given a function, create a function that keeps opt_numArgs arguments and * silently discards all additional arguments. * @param {Function} f The original function. * @param {number=} opt_numArgs The number of arguments to keep. Defaults to 0. * @return {!Function} A version of f that only keeps the first opt_numArgs * arguments. */ goog.functions.lock = function(f, opt_numArgs) { opt_numArgs = opt_numArgs || 0; return function() { return f.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, opt_numArgs)); }; }; /** * Creates a function that returns its nth argument. * @param {number} n The position of the return argument. * @return {!Function} A new function. */ goog.functions.nth = function(n) { return function() { return arguments[n]; }; }; /** * Like goog.partial(), except that arguments are added after arguments to the * returned function. * * Usage: * function f(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) { ... } * var g = goog.functions.partialRight(f, arg3, arg4); * g(arg1, arg2); * * @param {!Function} fn A function to partially apply. * @param {...*} var_args Additional arguments that are partially applied to fn * at the end. * @return {!Function} A partially-applied form of the function goog.partial() * was invoked as a method of. */ goog.functions.partialRight = function(fn, var_args) { var rightArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return function() { var newArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); newArgs.push.apply(newArgs, rightArgs); return fn.apply(this, newArgs); }; }; /** * Given a function, create a new function that swallows its return value * and replaces it with a new one. * @param {Function} f A function. * @param {T} retValue A new return value. * @return {function(...?):T} A new function. * @template T */ goog.functions.withReturnValue = function(f, retValue) { return goog.functions.sequence(f, goog.functions.constant(retValue)); }; /** * Creates a function that returns whether its argument equals the given value. * * Example: * var key = goog.object.findKey(obj, goog.functions.equalTo('needle')); * * @param {*} value The value to compare to. * @param {boolean=} opt_useLooseComparison Whether to use a loose (==) * comparison rather than a strict (===) one. Defaults to false. * @return {function(*):boolean} The new function. */ goog.functions.equalTo = function(value, opt_useLooseComparison) { return function(other) { return opt_useLooseComparison ? (value == other) : (value === other); }; }; /** * Creates the composition of the functions passed in. * For example, (goog.functions.compose(f, g))(a) is equivalent to f(g(a)). * @param {function(...?):T} fn The final function. * @param {...Function} var_args A list of functions. * @return {function(...?):T} The composition of all inputs. * @template T */ goog.functions.compose = function(fn, var_args) { var functions = arguments; var length = functions.length; return function() { var result; if (length) { result = functions[length - 1].apply(this, arguments); } for (var i = length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { result = functions[i].call(this, result); } return result; }; }; /** * Creates a function that calls the functions passed in in sequence, and * returns the value of the last function. For example, * (goog.functions.sequence(f, g))(x) is equivalent to f(x),g(x). * @param {...Function} var_args A list of functions. * @return {!Function} A function that calls all inputs in sequence. */ goog.functions.sequence = function(var_args) { var functions = arguments; var length = functions.length; return function() { var result; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result = functions[i].apply(this, arguments); } return result; }; }; /** * Creates a function that returns true if each of its components evaluates * to true. The components are evaluated in order, and the evaluation will be * short-circuited as soon as a function returns false. * For example, (goog.functions.and(f, g))(x) is equivalent to f(x) && g(x). * @param {...Function} var_args A list of functions. * @return {function(...?):boolean} A function that ANDs its component * functions. */ goog.functions.and = function(var_args) { var functions = arguments; var length = functions.length; return function() { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!functions[i].apply(this, arguments)) { return false; } } return true; }; }; /** * Creates a function that returns true if any of its components evaluates * to true. The components are evaluated in order, and the evaluation will be * short-circuited as soon as a function returns true. * For example, (goog.functions.or(f, g))(x) is equivalent to f(x) || g(x). * @param {...Function} var_args A list of functions. * @return {function(...?):boolean} A function that ORs its component * functions. */ goog.functions.or = function(var_args) { var functions = arguments; var length = functions.length; return function() { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (functions[i].apply(this, arguments)) { return true; } } return false; }; }; /** * Creates a function that returns the Boolean opposite of a provided function. * For example, (goog.functions.not(f))(x) is equivalent to !f(x). * @param {!Function} f The original function. * @return {function(...?):boolean} A function that delegates to f and returns * opposite. */ goog.functions.not = function(f) { return function() { return !f.apply(this, arguments); }; }; /** * Generic factory function to construct an object given the constructor * and the arguments. Intended to be bound to create object factories. * * Example: * * var factory = goog.partial(goog.functions.create, Class); * * @param {function(new:T, ...)} constructor The constructor for the Object. * @param {...*} var_args The arguments to be passed to the constructor. * @return {T} A new instance of the class given in {@code constructor}. * @template T */ goog.functions.create = function(constructor, var_args) { /** * @constructor * @final */ var temp = function() {}; temp.prototype = constructor.prototype; // obj will have constructor's prototype in its chain and // 'obj instanceof constructor' will be true. var obj = new temp(); // obj is initialized by constructor. // arguments is only array-like so lacks shift(), but can be used with // the Array prototype function. constructor.apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); return obj; }; /** * @define {boolean} Whether the return value cache should be used. * This should only be used to disable caches when testing. */ goog.define('goog.functions.CACHE_RETURN_VALUE', true); /** * Gives a wrapper function that caches the return value of a parameterless * function when first called. * * When called for the first time, the given function is called and its * return value is cached (thus this is only appropriate for idempotent * functions). Subsequent calls will return the cached return value. This * allows the evaluation of expensive functions to be delayed until first used. * * To cache the return values of functions with parameters, see goog.memoize. * * @param {function():T} fn A function to lazily evaluate. * @return {function():T} A wrapped version the function. * @template T */ goog.functions.cacheReturnValue = function(fn) { var called = false; var value; return function() { if (!goog.functions.CACHE_RETURN_VALUE) { return fn(); } if (!called) { value = fn(); called = true; } return value; }; }; /** * Wraps a function to allow it to be called, at most, once. All * additional calls are no-ops. * * This is particularly useful for initialization functions * that should be called, at most, once. * * @param {function():*} f Function to call. * @return {function():undefined} Wrapped function. */ goog.functions.once = function(f) { // Keep a reference to the function that we null out when we're done with // it -- that way, the function can be GC'd when we're done with it. var inner = f; return function() { if (inner) { var tmp = inner; inner = null; tmp(); } }; }; /** * Wraps a function to allow it to be called, at most, once per interval * (specified in milliseconds). If the wrapper function is called N times within * that interval, only the Nth call will go through. * * This is particularly useful for batching up repeated actions where the * last action should win. This can be used, for example, for refreshing an * autocomplete pop-up every so often rather than updating with every keystroke, * since the final text typed by the user is the one that should produce the * final autocomplete results. For more stateful debouncing with support for * pausing, resuming, and canceling debounced actions, use {@code * goog.async.Debouncer}. * * @param {function(this:SCOPE, ...?)} f Function to call. * @param {number} interval Interval over which to debounce. The function will * only be called after the full interval has elapsed since the last call. * @param {SCOPE=} opt_scope Object in whose scope to call the function. * @return {function(...?): undefined} Wrapped function. * @template SCOPE */ goog.functions.debounce = function(f, interval, opt_scope) { var timeout = 0; return /** @type {function(...?)} */ (function(var_args) { goog.global.clearTimeout(timeout); var args = arguments; timeout = goog.global.setTimeout(function() { f.apply(opt_scope, args); }, interval); }); }; /** * Wraps a function to allow it to be called, at most, once per interval * (specified in milliseconds). If the wrapper function is called N times in * that interval, both the 1st and the Nth calls will go through. * * This is particularly useful for limiting repeated user requests where the * the last action should win, but you also don't want to wait until the end of * the interval before sending a request out, as it leads to a perception of * slowness for the user. * * @param {function(this:SCOPE, ...?)} f Function to call. * @param {number} interval Interval over which to throttle. The function can * only be called once per interval. * @param {SCOPE=} opt_scope Object in whose scope to call the function. * @return {function(...?): undefined} Wrapped function. * @template SCOPE */ goog.functions.throttle = function(f, interval, opt_scope) { var timeout = 0; var shouldFire = false; var args = []; var handleTimeout = function() { timeout = 0; if (shouldFire) { shouldFire = false; fire(); } }; var fire = function() { timeout = goog.global.setTimeout(handleTimeout, interval); f.apply(opt_scope, args); }; return /** @type {function(...?)} */ (function(var_args) { args = arguments; if (!timeout) { fire(); } else { shouldFire = true; } }); }; /** * Wraps a function to allow it to be called, at most, once per interval * (specified in milliseconds). If the wrapper function is called N times within * that interval, only the 1st call will go through. * * This is particularly useful for limiting repeated user requests where the * first request is guaranteed to have all the data required to perform the * final action, so there's no need to wait until the end of the interval before * sending the request out. * * @param {function(this:SCOPE, ...?)} f Function to call. * @param {number} interval Interval over which to rate-limit. The function will * only be called once per interval, and ignored for the remainer of the * interval. * @param {SCOPE=} opt_scope Object in whose scope to call the function. * @return {function(...?): undefined} Wrapped function. * @template SCOPE */ goog.functions.rateLimit = function(f, interval, opt_scope) { var timeout = 0; var handleTimeout = function() { timeout = 0; }; return /** @type {function(...?)} */ (function(var_args) { if (!timeout) { timeout = goog.global.setTimeout(handleTimeout, interval); f.apply(opt_scope, arguments); } }); };