// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Utilities for manipulating objects/maps/hashes. * @author arv@google.com (Erik Arvidsson) */ goog.provide('goog.object'); /** * Whether two values are not observably distinguishable. This * correctly detects that 0 is not the same as -0 and two NaNs are * practically equivalent. * * The implementation is as suggested by harmony:egal proposal. * * @param {*} v The first value to compare. * @param {*} v2 The second value to compare. * @return {boolean} Whether two values are not observably distinguishable. * @see http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal */ goog.object.is = function(v, v2) { if (v === v2) { // 0 === -0, but they are not identical. // We need the cast because the compiler requires that v2 is a // number (although 1/v2 works with non-number). We cast to ? to // stop the compiler from type-checking this statement. return v !== 0 || 1 / v === 1 / /** @type {?} */ (v2); } // NaN is non-reflexive: NaN !== NaN, although they are identical. return v !== v && v2 !== v2; }; /** * Calls a function for each element in an object/map/hash. * * @param {Object} obj The object over which to iterate. * @param {function(this:T,V,?,Object):?} f The function to call * for every element. This function takes 3 arguments (the value, the * key and the object) and the return value is ignored. * @param {T=} opt_obj This is used as the 'this' object within f. * @template T,K,V */ goog.object.forEach = function(obj, f, opt_obj) { for (var key in obj) { f.call(/** @type {?} */ (opt_obj), obj[key], key, obj); } }; /** * Calls a function for each element in an object/map/hash. If that call returns * true, adds the element to a new object. * * @param {Object} obj The object over which to iterate. * @param {function(this:T,V,?,Object):boolean} f The function to call * for every element. This * function takes 3 arguments (the value, the key and the object) * and should return a boolean. If the return value is true the * element is added to the result object. If it is false the * element is not included. * @param {T=} opt_obj This is used as the 'this' object within f. * @return {!Object} a new object in which only elements that passed the * test are present. * @template T,K,V */ goog.object.filter = function(obj, f, opt_obj) { var res = {}; for (var key in obj) { if (f.call(/** @type {?} */ (opt_obj), obj[key], key, obj)) { res[key] = obj[key]; } } return res; }; /** * For every element in an object/map/hash calls a function and inserts the * result into a new object. * * @param {Object} obj The object over which to iterate. * @param {function(this:T,V,?,Object):R} f The function to call * for every element. This function * takes 3 arguments (the value, the key and the object) * and should return something. The result will be inserted * into a new object. * @param {T=} opt_obj This is used as the 'this' object within f. * @return {!Object} a new object with the results from f. * @template T,K,V,R */ goog.object.map = function(obj, f, opt_obj) { var res = {}; for (var key in obj) { res[key] = f.call(/** @type {?} */ (opt_obj), obj[key], key, obj); } return res; }; /** * Calls a function for each element in an object/map/hash. If any * call returns true, returns true (without checking the rest). If * all calls return false, returns false. * * @param {Object} obj The object to check. * @param {function(this:T,V,?,Object):boolean} f The function to * call for every element. This function * takes 3 arguments (the value, the key and the object) and should * return a boolean. * @param {T=} opt_obj This is used as the 'this' object within f. * @return {boolean} true if any element passes the test. * @template T,K,V */ goog.object.some = function(obj, f, opt_obj) { for (var key in obj) { if (f.call(/** @type {?} */ (opt_obj), obj[key], key, obj)) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Calls a function for each element in an object/map/hash. If * all calls return true, returns true. If any call returns false, returns * false at this point and does not continue to check the remaining elements. * * @param {Object} obj The object to check. * @param {?function(this:T,V,?,Object):boolean} f The function to * call for every element. This function * takes 3 arguments (the value, the key and the object) and should * return a boolean. * @param {T=} opt_obj This is used as the 'this' object within f. * @return {boolean} false if any element fails the test. * @template T,K,V */ goog.object.every = function(obj, f, opt_obj) { for (var key in obj) { if (!f.call(/** @type {?} */ (opt_obj), obj[key], key, obj)) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Returns the number of key-value pairs in the object map. * * @param {Object} obj The object for which to get the number of key-value * pairs. * @return {number} The number of key-value pairs in the object map. */ goog.object.getCount = function(obj) { var rv = 0; for (var key in obj) { rv++; } return rv; }; /** * Returns one key from the object map, if any exists. * For map literals the returned key will be the first one in most of the * browsers (a know exception is Konqueror). * * @param {Object} obj The object to pick a key from. * @return {string|undefined} The key or undefined if the object is empty. */ goog.object.getAnyKey = function(obj) { for (var key in obj) { return key; } }; /** * Returns one value from the object map, if any exists. * For map literals the returned value will be the first one in most of the * browsers (a know exception is Konqueror). * * @param {Object} obj The object to pick a value from. * @return {V|undefined} The value or undefined if the object is empty. * @template K,V */ goog.object.getAnyValue = function(obj) { for (var key in obj) { return obj[key]; } }; /** * Whether the object/hash/map contains the given object as a value. * An alias for goog.object.containsValue(obj, val). * * @param {Object} obj The object in which to look for val. * @param {V} val The object for which to check. * @return {boolean} true if val is present. * @template K,V */ goog.object.contains = function(obj, val) { return goog.object.containsValue(obj, val); }; /** * Returns the values of the object/map/hash. * * @param {Object} obj The object from which to get the values. * @return {!Array} The values in the object/map/hash. * @template K,V */ goog.object.getValues = function(obj) { var res = []; var i = 0; for (var key in obj) { res[i++] = obj[key]; } return res; }; /** * Returns the keys of the object/map/hash. * * @param {Object} obj The object from which to get the keys. * @return {!Array} Array of property keys. */ goog.object.getKeys = function(obj) { var res = []; var i = 0; for (var key in obj) { res[i++] = key; } return res; }; /** * Get a value from an object multiple levels deep. This is useful for * pulling values from deeply nested objects, such as JSON responses. * Example usage: getValueByKeys(jsonObj, 'foo', 'entries', 3) * * @param {!Object} obj An object to get the value from. Can be array-like. * @param {...(string|number|!IArrayLike)} * var_args A number of keys * (as strings, or numbers, for array-like objects). Can also be * specified as a single array of keys. * @return {*} The resulting value. If, at any point, the value for a key * is undefined, returns undefined. */ goog.object.getValueByKeys = function(obj, var_args) { var isArrayLike = goog.isArrayLike(var_args); var keys = isArrayLike ? var_args : arguments; // Start with the 2nd parameter for the variable parameters syntax. for (var i = isArrayLike ? 0 : 1; i < keys.length; i++) { obj = obj[keys[i]]; if (!goog.isDef(obj)) { break; } } return obj; }; /** * Whether the object/map/hash contains the given key. * * @param {Object} obj The object in which to look for key. * @param {?} key The key for which to check. * @return {boolean} true If the map contains the key. */ goog.object.containsKey = function(obj, key) { return obj !== null && key in obj; }; /** * Whether the object/map/hash contains the given value. This is O(n). * * @param {Object} obj The object in which to look for val. * @param {V} val The value for which to check. * @return {boolean} true If the map contains the value. * @template K,V */ goog.object.containsValue = function(obj, val) { for (var key in obj) { if (obj[key] == val) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Searches an object for an element that satisfies the given condition and * returns its key. * @param {Object} obj The object to search in. * @param {function(this:T,V,string,Object):boolean} f The * function to call for every element. Takes 3 arguments (the value, * the key and the object) and should return a boolean. * @param {T=} opt_this An optional "this" context for the function. * @return {string|undefined} The key of an element for which the function * returns true or undefined if no such element is found. * @template T,K,V */ goog.object.findKey = function(obj, f, opt_this) { for (var key in obj) { if (f.call(/** @type {?} */ (opt_this), obj[key], key, obj)) { return key; } } return undefined; }; /** * Searches an object for an element that satisfies the given condition and * returns its value. * @param {Object} obj The object to search in. * @param {function(this:T,V,string,Object):boolean} f The function * to call for every element. Takes 3 arguments (the value, the key * and the object) and should return a boolean. * @param {T=} opt_this An optional "this" context for the function. * @return {V} The value of an element for which the function returns true or * undefined if no such element is found. * @template T,K,V */ goog.object.findValue = function(obj, f, opt_this) { var key = goog.object.findKey(obj, f, opt_this); return key && obj[key]; }; /** * Whether the object/map/hash is empty. * * @param {Object} obj The object to test. * @return {boolean} true if obj is empty. */ goog.object.isEmpty = function(obj) { for (var key in obj) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Removes all key value pairs from the object/map/hash. * * @param {Object} obj The object to clear. */ goog.object.clear = function(obj) { for (var i in obj) { delete obj[i]; } }; /** * Removes a key-value pair based on the key. * * @param {Object} obj The object from which to remove the key. * @param {?} key The key to remove. * @return {boolean} Whether an element was removed. */ goog.object.remove = function(obj, key) { var rv; if (rv = key in /** @type {!Object} */ (obj)) { delete obj[key]; } return rv; }; /** * Adds a key-value pair to the object. Throws an exception if the key is * already in use. Use set if you want to change an existing pair. * * @param {Object} obj The object to which to add the key-value pair. * @param {string} key The key to add. * @param {V} val The value to add. * @template K,V */ goog.object.add = function(obj, key, val) { if (obj !== null && key in obj) { throw Error('The object already contains the key "' + key + '"'); } goog.object.set(obj, key, val); }; /** * Returns the value for the given key. * * @param {Object} obj The object from which to get the value. * @param {string} key The key for which to get the value. * @param {R=} opt_val The value to return if no item is found for the given * key (default is undefined). * @return {V|R|undefined} The value for the given key. * @template K,V,R */ goog.object.get = function(obj, key, opt_val) { if (obj !== null && key in obj) { return obj[key]; } return opt_val; }; /** * Adds a key-value pair to the object/map/hash. * * @param {Object} obj The object to which to add the key-value pair. * @param {string} key The key to add. * @param {V} value The value to add. * @template K,V */ goog.object.set = function(obj, key, value) { obj[key] = value; }; /** * Adds a key-value pair to the object/map/hash if it doesn't exist yet. * * @param {Object} obj The object to which to add the key-value pair. * @param {string} key The key to add. * @param {V} value The value to add if the key wasn't present. * @return {V} The value of the entry at the end of the function. * @template K,V */ goog.object.setIfUndefined = function(obj, key, value) { return key in /** @type {!Object} */ (obj) ? obj[key] : (obj[key] = value); }; /** * Sets a key and value to an object if the key is not set. The value will be * the return value of the given function. If the key already exists, the * object will not be changed and the function will not be called (the function * will be lazily evaluated -- only called if necessary). * * This function is particularly useful for use with a map used a as a cache. * * @param {!Object} obj The object to which to add the key-value pair. * @param {string} key The key to add. * @param {function():V} f The value to add if the key wasn't present. * @return {V} The value of the entry at the end of the function. * @template K,V */ goog.object.setWithReturnValueIfNotSet = function(obj, key, f) { if (key in obj) { return obj[key]; } var val = f(); obj[key] = val; return val; }; /** * Compares two objects for equality using === on the values. * * @param {!Object} a * @param {!Object} b * @return {boolean} * @template K,V */ goog.object.equals = function(a, b) { for (var k in a) { if (!(k in b) || a[k] !== b[k]) { return false; } } for (var k in b) { if (!(k in a)) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Returns a shallow clone of the object. * * @param {Object} obj Object to clone. * @return {!Object} Clone of the input object. * @template K,V */ goog.object.clone = function(obj) { // We cannot use the prototype trick because a lot of methods depend on where // the actual key is set. var res = {}; for (var key in obj) { res[key] = obj[key]; } return res; // We could also use goog.mixin but I wanted this to be independent from that. }; /** * Clones a value. The input may be an Object, Array, or basic type. Objects and * arrays will be cloned recursively. * * WARNINGS: * goog.object.unsafeClone does not detect reference loops. Objects * that refer to themselves will cause infinite recursion. * * goog.object.unsafeClone is unaware of unique identifiers, and * copies UIDs created by getUid into cloned results. * * @param {T} obj The value to clone. * @return {T} A clone of the input value. * @template T */ goog.object.unsafeClone = function(obj) { var type = goog.typeOf(obj); if (type == 'object' || type == 'array') { if (goog.isFunction(obj.clone)) { return obj.clone(); } var clone = type == 'array' ? [] : {}; for (var key in obj) { clone[key] = goog.object.unsafeClone(obj[key]); } return clone; } return obj; }; /** * Returns a new object in which all the keys and values are interchanged * (keys become values and values become keys). If multiple keys map to the * same value, the chosen transposed value is implementation-dependent. * * @param {Object} obj The object to transpose. * @return {!Object} The transposed object. */ goog.object.transpose = function(obj) { var transposed = {}; for (var key in obj) { transposed[obj[key]] = key; } return transposed; }; /** * The names of the fields that are defined on Object.prototype. * @type {Array} * @private */ goog.object.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_ = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; /** * Extends an object with another object. * This operates 'in-place'; it does not create a new Object. * * Example: * var o = {}; * goog.object.extend(o, {a: 0, b: 1}); * o; // {a: 0, b: 1} * goog.object.extend(o, {b: 2, c: 3}); * o; // {a: 0, b: 2, c: 3} * * @param {Object} target The object to modify. Existing properties will be * overwritten if they are also present in one of the objects in * {@code var_args}. * @param {...Object} var_args The objects from which values will be copied. */ goog.object.extend = function(target, var_args) { var key, source; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { source = arguments[i]; for (key in source) { target[key] = source[key]; } // For IE the for-in-loop does not contain any properties that are not // enumerable on the prototype object (for example isPrototypeOf from // Object.prototype) and it will also not include 'replace' on objects that // extend String and change 'replace' (not that it is common for anyone to // extend anything except Object). for (var j = 0; j < goog.object.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_.length; j++) { key = goog.object.PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_[j]; if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } }; /** * Creates a new object built from the key-value pairs provided as arguments. * @param {...*} var_args If only one argument is provided and it is an array * then this is used as the arguments, otherwise even arguments are used as * the property names and odd arguments are used as the property values. * @return {!Object} The new object. * @throws {Error} If there are uneven number of arguments or there is only one * non array argument. */ goog.object.create = function(var_args) { var argLength = arguments.length; if (argLength == 1 && goog.isArray(arguments[0])) { return goog.object.create.apply(null, arguments[0]); } if (argLength % 2) { throw Error('Uneven number of arguments'); } var rv = {}; for (var i = 0; i < argLength; i += 2) { rv[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1]; } return rv; }; /** * Creates a new object where the property names come from the arguments but * the value is always set to true * @param {...*} var_args If only one argument is provided and it is an array * then this is used as the arguments, otherwise the arguments are used * as the property names. * @return {!Object} The new object. */ goog.object.createSet = function(var_args) { var argLength = arguments.length; if (argLength == 1 && goog.isArray(arguments[0])) { return goog.object.createSet.apply(null, arguments[0]); } var rv = {}; for (var i = 0; i < argLength; i++) { rv[arguments[i]] = true; } return rv; }; /** * Creates an immutable view of the underlying object, if the browser * supports immutable objects. * * In default mode, writes to this view will fail silently. In strict mode, * they will throw an error. * * @param {!Object} obj An object. * @return {!Object} An immutable view of that object, or the * original object if this browser does not support immutables. * @template K,V */ goog.object.createImmutableView = function(obj) { var result = obj; if (Object.isFrozen && !Object.isFrozen(obj)) { result = Object.create(obj); Object.freeze(result); } return result; }; /** * @param {!Object} obj An object. * @return {boolean} Whether this is an immutable view of the object. */ goog.object.isImmutableView = function(obj) { return !!Object.isFrozen && Object.isFrozen(obj); }; /** * Get all properties names on a given Object regardless of enumerability. * *

If the browser does not support {@code Object.getOwnPropertyNames} nor * {@code Object.getPrototypeOf} then this is equivalent to using {@code * goog.object.getKeys} * * @param {?Object} obj The object to get the properties of. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeObjectPrototype Whether properties defined on * {@code Object.prototype} should be included in the result. * @param {boolean=} opt_includeFunctionPrototype Whether properties defined on * {@code Function.prototype} should be included in the result. * @return {!Array} * @public */ goog.object.getAllPropertyNames = function( obj, opt_includeObjectPrototype, opt_includeFunctionPrototype) { if (!obj) { return []; } // Naively use a for..in loop to get the property names if the browser doesn't // support any other APIs for getting it. if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames || !Object.getPrototypeOf) { return goog.object.getKeys(obj); } var visitedSet = {}; // Traverse the prototype chain and add all properties to the visited set. var proto = obj; while (proto && (proto !== Object.prototype || !!opt_includeObjectPrototype) && (proto !== Function.prototype || !!opt_includeFunctionPrototype)) { var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { visitedSet[names[i]] = true; } proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return goog.object.getKeys(visitedSet); };