test_dir="$(mktemp -d)" mkdir -p "$test_dir"/run mkdir -p "$test_dir"/data test_cfg="(import ./config.nix) // { runDir=\"${test_dir}/run\"; dataDir=\"${test_dir}/data\"; }" entrypoint=$(nix-build --no-out-link -A entrypoint \ --arg baseConfig "$test_cfg" \ --arg baseSkipServices '["srv"]') $entrypoint & trap "kill $!; wait; rm -rf $test_dir" EXIT # NOTE this is a bit of a hack... the location of the redis socket's source of # truth is in default.nix, but it's not clear how to get that from there to # here, so we reproduce the calculation here. while [ ! -e $test_dir/run/redis ]; do echo "waiting for redis unix socket" sleep 1 done nix-shell -A srv.shell \ --arg baseConfig "$test_cfg" \ "$@"