path: root/src
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authorBrian Picciano <>2021-04-27 08:43:46 -0600
committerBrian Picciano <>2021-04-27 08:45:28 -0600
commitb95218e9d454d5c50f3a5e458e4f1d06b8bf5550 (patch)
tree31acd23e5e2ab5f05f4246d9756be56ffa5f0c15 /src
parent9ef363410f21bc5e93e7693e1f2baa4d95ed214f (diff)
ginger loops
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1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/_posts/ b/src/_posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0433c
--- /dev/null
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+title: >-
+ Loops in Ginger
+description: >-
+ Bringing it back around.
+series: ginger
+tags: tech
+In previous posts in this series I went over the general idea of the ginger
+programming language, and some of its properties. To recap:
+* Ginger is a programming language whose syntax defines a directed graph, in the
+ same way that a LISP language's syntax defines nested lists.
+* Graph edges indicate an operation, while nodes indicate a value.
+* The special values `in` and `out` are used when interpreting a graph as a
+ function.
+* A special node type, the tuple, is defined as being a node whose value is an
+ ordered set of input edges.
+* Another special node type, the fork, is the complement to the tuple. A fork is
+ defined as being a node whose value is an ordered set of output edges.
+* The special `if` operation accepts a 2-tuple, the first value being some state
+ value and the second being a tuple. The `if` operation expects to be directed
+ towards a 2-fork. If the boolean is true then the top output edge of the fork
+ is taken, otherwise the bottom is taken. The state value is what's passed to
+ the taken edge.
+There were some other detail rules but I don't remember them off the top of my
+## Loops
+Today I'd like to go over my ideas for how loops would work in ginger. With
+loops established ginger would officially be a Turing complete language and,
+given time and energy, real work could actually begin on it.
+As with conditionals I'll start by establishing a base example. Let's say we'd
+like to define an operation which prints out numbers from 0 up to `n`, where `n`
+is given as an argument. In go this would look like:
+func printRange(n int) int {
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ fmt.Println(i)
+ }
+With that established, let's start looking at different patterns.
+## Goto
+In the olden days the primary looping construct was `goto`, which essentially
+teleports the program counter (aka instruction pointer) to another place in the
+execution stack. Pretty much any other looping construct can be derived from
+`goto` and some kind of conditional, so it's a good starting place when
+considering loops in ginger.
+(in -println-> } -incr-> out) -> println-incr
+0 -> } -> } -if-> { -> out
+in -> } -eq-> } { -> } -upd-> } -+
+ ^ 0 -> } |
+ | println-incr -> } |
+ | |
+ +--------------------------------+
+(Note: the `upd` operation is used here for convenience. It takes in three
+arguments: A tuple, an index, and an operation. It applies the operation to the
+tuple element at the given index, and returns a new tuple with that index set to
+the value returned.)
+Here `goto` is performed using a literal arrow going from the right to left.
+it's ugly and hard to write, and would only be moreso the more possible gotos an
+operation has.
+It also complicates our graphs in a significant way: up till now ginger graphs
+have have always been directed _acyclic_ graphs (DAGs), but by introducing this
+construct we allow that graphs might be cyclic. It's not immediately clear to me
+what the consequences of this will be, but I'm sure they will be great. If
+nothign else it will make the compiler much more complex, as each value can no
+longer be defined in terms of its input edge, as that edge might resolve back to
+the value itself.
+While conceptually sound, I think this strategy fails the practability test. We
+can do better.
+## While
+The `while` construct is the basic looping primitive of iterative languages
+(some call it `for`, but they're just lying to themselves).
+Try as I might, I can't come up with a way to make `while` work with ginger.
+`while` ultimately relies on scoped variables being updated in place to
+function, while ginger is based on the concept of pipelining a set of values
+through a series of operations. From the point of view of the programmer these
+operations are essentially immutable, so the requirement of a variable which can
+be updated in place cannot be met.
+## Recur
+This pattern is based on how many functional languages, for example erlang,
+handle looping. Rather than introducing new primitives around looping, these
+language instead ensure that tail calls are properly optimized and uses those
+instead. So loops are implemented as recursive function calls.
+For ginger to do this it would make sense to introduce a new special value,
+`recur`, which could be used alongside `in` and `out` within operations. When
+the execution path hits a `recur` then it gets teleported back to the `in`
+value, with the input to `recur` now being the output from `in`. Usage of it
+would look like:
+ (in -println-> } -incr-> out) -> println-incr
+ in -> } -if-> { -> out
+ in -eq-> } { -> } -upd-> } -> recur
+ 0 -> }
+ println-incr -> }
+) -> inner-op
+0 -> } -inner-op-> out
+in -> }
+This looks pretty similar to the `goto` example overall, but with the major
+difference that the looping body had to be wrapped into an inner operation. The
+reason for this is that the outer operation only takes in one argument, `n`, but
+the loop actually needs two pieces of state to function: `n` and the current
+value. So the inner operation loops over these two pieces of state, and the
+outer operation supplies `n` and an initial iteration value (`0`) to that inner
+This seems cumbersome on the surface, but what other languages do (such as
+erlang, which is the one I'm most familiar with) is to provide built-in macros
+on top of this primitive which make it more pleasant to use. These include
+function polymorphism and a more familiar `for` construct. With a decent macro
+capability ginger could do the same.
+The benefits here are that the graphs remain acyclic, and the syntax has not
+been made more cumbersome. It follows conventions established by other
+languages, and ensures the language will be capable of tail-recursion.
+## Map/Reduce
+Another functional strategy which is useful is that of the map/reduce power
+couple. The `map` operation takes a sequence of values and an operation, and
+returns a sequence of the same length where the operation has been applied to
+each value in the original sequence individually. The `reduce` operation is more
+complicated (and not necessary for out example), but it's essentially a
+mechanism to turn a sequence of values into a single value.
+For our example we only need `map`, plus one more helper operation: `range`.
+`range` takes a number `n` and returns a sequence of numbers starting at `0` and
+ending at `n-1`. Our print example now looks like:
+in -range-> } -map-> out
+ println -> }
+Very simple! Map/reduce is a well established pattern and is probably the
+best way to construct functional programs. However, the question remains whether
+these are the best _primitives_ for looping, and I don't believe they are. Both
+`map` and `reduce` can be derived from conditional and looping primitives like
+`if` and `recur`, and they can't do some things that those primitives can. While
+I expect one of the first things which will be done in ginger is to define `map`
+and `reduce` in terms of `if` and a looping primitive, and use them generously
+throughout the code, I think the fact that they can be defined in terms of
+lower-level primitives indicates that they aren't the right looping primitives
+for ginger.
+## Conclusion
+Unlike with the conditionals posts, where I started out not really knowing what
+I wanted to do with conditionals, I more or less knew where this post was going
+from the beginning. `recur` is, in my mind, the best primitive for looping in
+ginger. It provides the flexibility to be extended to any use-case, while not
+complicating the structure of the language. While possibly cumbersome to
+implement directly, `recur` can be used as a primitive to construct more
+convenient looping operations like `map` and `reduce`.
+As a final treat (lucky you!), here's `map` defined using `if` and `recur`:
+ in -0-> mapped-seq
+ in -1-> orig-seq
+ in -2-> op
+ mapped-seq -len-> i
+ mapped-seq -> } -if-> { -> out
+ orig-seq -len-> } -eq-> } { -> } -append-> } -> recur
+ i -> } } }
+ } }
+ orig-seq -i-> } -op-> } }
+ }
+ orig-seq -> }
+ op -> }
+) -> inner-map
+ () -> } -inner-map-> out
+in -0-> }
+in -1-> }
+The next step for ginger is going to be writing an actual implementation of the
+graph structure in some other language (let's be honest, it'll be in go). After
+that we'll need a syntax definition which can be used to encode/decode that
+structure, and from there we can start actually implementing the language!