diff options
-rw-r--r--LICENSE.txt (renamed from LICENSE)6
-rw-r--r--favicon.icobin894 -> 0 bytes
36 files changed, 1242 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 45c1505..a8c1c00 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/CNAME b/CNAME
deleted file mode 100644
index 930c7c9..0000000
--- a/CNAME
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 47cfb93..5d27bd8 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -1,29 +1,5 @@
-source ""
-# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
-# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
-# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
-# bundle exec jekyll serve
-# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
-# Happy Jekylling!
-gem "jekyll", "~> 3.6.2"
+# frozen_string_literal: true
-# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you like.
-gem "minima", "~> 2.0"
-gem "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
+source ""
-# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
-# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
-# If you have any plugins, put them here!
-group :jekyll_plugins do
- gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"
- gem "jekyll-paginate"
-# Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
-gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index 7fc980b..bf47be6 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- activesupport (4.2.9)
+ activesupport (4.2.10)
i18n (~> 0.7)
minitest (~> 5.1)
thread_safe (~> 0.3, >= 0.3.4)
@@ -16,82 +16,91 @@ GEM
commonmarker (0.17.11)
ruby-enum (~> 0.5)
concurrent-ruby (1.0.5)
+ dnsruby (1.61.2)
+ addressable (~> 2.5)
+ em-websocket (0.5.1)
+ eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)
+ http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0)
ethon (0.11.0)
ffi (>= 1.3.0)
+ eventmachine (1.2.7)
execjs (2.7.0)
faraday (0.15.2)
multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
ffi (1.9.25)
forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
gemoji (3.0.0)
- github-pages (179)
- activesupport (= 4.2.9)
- github-pages-health-check (= 1.4.0)
- jekyll (= 3.6.2)
- jekyll-avatar (= 0.5.0)
+ github-pages (191)
+ activesupport (= 4.2.10)
+ github-pages-health-check (= 1.8.1)
+ jekyll (= 3.7.3)
+ jekyll-avatar (= 0.6.0)
jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.1.1)
jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (= 0.1.5)
jekyll-default-layout (= 0.1.4)
- jekyll-feed (= 0.9.3)
+ jekyll-feed (= 0.10.0)
jekyll-gist (= 1.5.0)
jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.9.4)
- jekyll-mentions (= 1.3.0)
+ jekyll-mentions (= 1.4.1)
jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.3.0)
jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0)
jekyll-readme-index (= 0.2.0)
- jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.13.0)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.14.0)
jekyll-relative-links (= 0.5.3)
- jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.2.3)
+ jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.3.1)
jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.2)
- jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.4.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.5.0)
jekyll-sitemap (= 1.2.0)
jekyll-swiss (= 0.4.0)
- jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.5.2)
- jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.1.0)
- jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.5.3)
+ jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.1.1)
+ jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.1.1)
jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.5.1)
- jemoji (= 0.9.0)
- kramdown (= 1.16.2)
+ jemoji (= 0.10.1)
+ kramdown (= 1.17.0)
liquid (= 4.0.0)
listen (= 3.1.5)
mercenary (~> 0.3)
- minima (= 2.4.0)
- nokogiri (>= 1.8.1, < 2.0)
+ minima (= 2.5.0)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.8.2, < 2.0)
rouge (= 2.2.1)
terminal-table (~> 1.4)
- github-pages-health-check (1.4.0)
+ github-pages-health-check (1.8.1)
addressable (~> 2.3)
- net-dns (~> 0.8)
+ dnsruby (~> 1.60)
octokit (~> 4.0)
public_suffix (~> 2.0)
typhoeus (~> 1.3)
html-pipeline (2.8.4)
activesupport (>= 2)
nokogiri (>= 1.4)
+ http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
i18n (0.9.5)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
- jekyll (3.6.2)
+ jekyll (3.7.3)
addressable (~> 2.4)
colorator (~> 1.0)
+ em-websocket (~> 0.5)
+ i18n (~> 0.7)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
- jekyll-watch (~> 1.1)
+ jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
kramdown (~> 1.14)
liquid (~> 4.0)
mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
pathutil (~> 0.9)
- rouge (>= 1.7, < 3)
+ rouge (>= 1.7, < 4)
safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
- jekyll-avatar (0.5.0)
+ jekyll-avatar (0.6.0)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
jekyll-coffeescript (1.1.1)
coffee-script (~> 2.2)
@@ -103,19 +112,16 @@ GEM
commonmarker (~> 0.17.6)
jekyll-commonmark (~> 1)
rouge (~> 2)
- jekyll-data (1.0.0)
- jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-default-layout (0.1.4)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
- jekyll-feed (0.9.3)
+ jekyll-feed (0.10.0)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-gist (1.5.0)
octokit (~> 4.2)
jekyll-github-metadata (2.9.4)
jekyll (~> 3.1)
octokit (~> 4.0, != 4.4.0)
- jekyll-mentions (1.3.0)
- activesupport (~> 4.0)
+ jekyll-mentions (1.4.1)
html-pipeline (~> 2.3)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.0)
@@ -123,71 +129,69 @@ GEM
jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
jekyll-readme-index (0.2.0)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
- jekyll-redirect-from (0.13.0)
+ jekyll-redirect-from (0.14.0)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-relative-links (0.5.3)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
- jekyll-remote-theme (0.2.3)
+ jekyll-remote-theme (0.3.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
rubyzip (>= 1.2.1, < 3.0)
- typhoeus (>= 0.7, < 2.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2)
sass (~> 3.4)
- jekyll-seo-tag (2.4.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (2.5.0)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-sitemap (1.2.0)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-swiss (0.4.0)
- jekyll-theme-architect (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-architect (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-cayman (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-cayman (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-dinky (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-dinky (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-hacker (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-hacker (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-merlot (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-merlot (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-midnight (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-midnight (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-minimal (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-minimal (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-modernist (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-modernist (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-primer (0.5.2)
+ jekyll-theme-primer (0.5.3)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-github-metadata (~> 2.9)
- jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.2)
- jekyll-theme-slate (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
+ jekyll-theme-slate (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-tactile (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-tactile (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.1.0)
+ jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.1.1)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0)
jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.1)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
- jekyll-watch (1.5.1)
+ jekyll-watch (2.0.0)
listen (~> 3.0)
- jemoji (0.9.0)
- activesupport (~> 4.0, >= 4.2.9)
+ jemoji (0.10.1)
gemoji (~> 3.0)
html-pipeline (~> 2.2)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
- kramdown (1.16.2)
+ kramdown (1.17.0)
liquid (4.0.0)
listen (3.1.5)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
@@ -195,21 +199,12 @@ GEM
ruby_dep (~> 1.2)
mercenary (0.3.6)
mini_portile2 (2.3.0)
- minima (2.4.0)
+ minima (2.5.0)
jekyll (~> 3.5)
jekyll-feed (~> 0.9)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1)
- minimal-mistakes-jekyll (4.12.0)
- jekyll (~> 3.6)
- jekyll-data (~> 1.0)
- jekyll-feed (~> 0.9.2)
- jekyll-gist (~> 1.4)
- jekyll-paginate (~> 1.1)
- jekyll-sitemap (~> 1.1)
- jemoji (~> 0.8)
minitest (5.11.3)
multipart-post (2.0.0)
- net-dns (0.8.0)
nokogiri (1.8.4)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.3.0)
octokit (4.11.0)
@@ -248,12 +243,6 @@ PLATFORMS
- jekyll (~> 3.6.2)
- jekyll-feed (~> 0.6)
- jekyll-paginate
- minima (~> 2.0)
- minimal-mistakes-jekyll
- tzinfo-data
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE.txt
index 95fdeb8..0e7ecd8 100644
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-The MIT License
+The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) Matt Swanson,
+Copyright (c) 2016-present Parker Moore and the minima contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-THE SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 9d2d3a9..a2eab90 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -1,21 +1,5 @@
-# Welcome to Jekyll!
-# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
-# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
-# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
-# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
-# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
-# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server
-# process.
-# Site settings
-# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
-# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
-# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
-# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: The Mediocre Blog
-name: Brian Picciano
+author: Brian Picciano
description: >-
A mix of tech, art, travel, and who knows what else.
@@ -24,33 +8,9 @@ url: # the base hostname & protocol for your sit
repository: mediocregopher/
twitter_username: mediocre_gopher
github_username: mediocregopher
+rss: rss
-# Build settings
-markdown: kramdown
-#theme: "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
-remote_theme: "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes"
- - jekyll-feed
- - jekyll-paginate
-# Exclude from processing.
-# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
-# to override the default setting.
-# exclude:
-# - Gemfile
-# - Gemfile.lock
-# - node_modules
-# - vendor/bundle/
-# - vendor/cache/
-# - vendor/gems/
-# - vendor/ruby/
-# minimal mistakes stuff
-paginate: 20
-title_separator: "-"
- # _posts
- - scope:
- type: posts
- values:
- layout: single
+ - jekyll-feed
+ - jekyll-seo-tag
+ - jekyll-paginate
diff --git a/_includes/footer.html b/_includes/footer.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e1e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/footer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<footer class="site-footer h-card">
+ <data class="u-url" href="{{ "/" | relative_url }}"></data>
+ <div class="wrapper">
+ <h2 class="footer-heading">{{ site.title | escape }}</h2>
+ <div class="footer-col-wrapper">
+ <div class="footer-col footer-col-1">
+ <ul class="contact-list">
+ <li class="p-name">
+ {%- if -%}
+ {{ | escape }}
+ {%- else -%}
+ {{ site.title | escape }}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ </li>
+ {%- if -%}
+ <li><a class="u-email" href="mailto:{{ }}">{{ }}</a></li>
+ {%- endif -%}
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="footer-col footer-col-2">
+ {%- include social.html -%}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/_includes/google-analytics.html b/_includes/google-analytics.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9afb20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/google-analytics.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if(!(window.doNotTrack === "1" || navigator.doNotTrack === "1" || navigator.doNotTrack === "yes" || navigator.msDoNotTrack === "1")) {
+ (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
+ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
+ m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)
+ })(window,document,'script','','ga');
+ ga('create', '{{ site.google_analytics }}', 'auto');
+ ga('send', 'pageview');
diff --git a/_includes/head.html b/_includes/head.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe3b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/head.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+ {%- seo -%}
+ <link href="//,300,600" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/assets/normalize.css" | relative_url }}">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/assets/skeleton.css" | relative_url }}">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/assets/main.css" | relative_url }}">
+ {%- feed_meta -%}
+ {%- if jekyll.environment == 'production' and site.google_analytics -%}
+ {%- include google-analytics.html -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
diff --git a/_includes/header.html b/_includes/header.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d9f4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/header.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<header id="title-header" role="banner">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="six columns">
+ <h5 class="title">
+ <a href="{{ "/" | relative_url }}">{{ site.title | escape }}</a>
+ </h5>
+ </div>
+ <!--
+ <div class="six columns">
+ subscribe <a href="{{ "/feed.xml" | relative_url }}">via RSS</a>
+ </div>
+ -->
+ </div>
diff --git a/_includes/icon-github.html b/_includes/icon-github.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e501a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/icon-github.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<a href="{{ include.username }}"><span class="icon icon--github">{% include icon-github.svg %}</span><span class="username">{{ include.username }}</span></a>
diff --git a/_includes/icon-github.svg b/_includes/icon-github.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6c5f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/icon-github.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px" height="16px"><path fill="#828282" d="M7.999,0.431c-4.285,0-7.76,3.474-7.76,7.761 c0,3.428,2.223,6.337,5.307,7.363c0.388,0.071,0.53-0.168,0.53-0.374c0-0.184-0.007-0.672-0.01-1.32 c-2.159,0.469-2.614-1.04-2.614-1.04c-0.353-0.896-0.862-1.135-0.862-1.135c-0.705-0.481,0.053-0.472,0.053-0.472 c0.779,0.055,1.189,0.8,1.189,0.8c0.692,1.186,1.816,0.843,2.258,0.645c0.071-0.502,0.271-0.843,0.493-1.037 C4.86,11.425,3.049,10.76,3.049,7.786c0-0.847,0.302-1.54,0.799-2.082C3.768,5.507,3.501,4.718,3.924,3.65 c0,0,0.652-0.209,2.134,0.796C6.677,4.273,7.34,4.187,8,4.184c0.659,0.003,1.323,0.089,1.943,0.261 c1.482-1.004,2.132-0.796,2.132-0.796c0.423,1.068,0.157,1.857,0.077,2.054c0.497,0.542,0.798,1.235,0.798,2.082 c0,2.981-1.814,3.637-3.543,3.829c0.279,0.24,0.527,0.713,0.527,1.437c0,1.037-0.01,1.874-0.01,2.129 c0,0.208,0.14,0.449,0.534,0.373c3.081-1.028,5.302-3.935,5.302-7.362C15.76,3.906,12.285,0.431,7.999,0.431z"/></svg>
diff --git a/_includes/icon-twitter.html b/_includes/icon-twitter.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e623dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/icon-twitter.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<a href="{{ include.username }}"><span class="icon icon--twitter">{% include icon-twitter.svg %}</span><span class="username">{{ include.username }}</span></a>
diff --git a/_includes/icon-twitter.svg b/_includes/icon-twitter.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc0ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/icon-twitter.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px" height="16px"><path fill="#828282" d="M15.969,3.058c-0.586,0.26-1.217,0.436-1.878,0.515c0.675-0.405,1.194-1.045,1.438-1.809c-0.632,0.375-1.332,0.647-2.076,0.793c-0.596-0.636-1.446-1.033-2.387-1.033c-1.806,0-3.27,1.464-3.27,3.27 c0,0.256,0.029,0.506,0.085,0.745C5.163,5.404,2.753,4.102,1.14,2.124C0.859,2.607,0.698,3.168,0.698,3.767 c0,1.134,0.577,2.135,1.455,2.722C1.616,6.472,1.112,6.325,0.671,6.08c0,0.014,0,0.027,0,0.041c0,1.584,1.127,2.906,2.623,3.206 C3.02,9.402,2.731,9.442,2.433,9.442c-0.211,0-0.416-0.021-0.615-0.059c0.416,1.299,1.624,2.245,3.055,2.271 c-1.119,0.877-2.529,1.4-4.061,1.4c-0.264,0-0.524-0.015-0.78-0.046c1.447,0.928,3.166,1.469,5.013,1.469 c6.015,0,9.304-4.983,9.304-9.304c0-0.142-0.003-0.283-0.009-0.423C14.976,4.29,15.531,3.714,15.969,3.058z"/></svg>
diff --git a/_includes/social.html b/_includes/social.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab5e1f
--- /dev/null
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+layout: default
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+ {{ post.title | escape }}
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+ <span>{{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}</span>
+ <p>{{ post.description }}</p>
+ </li>
+ {%- endfor -%}
+{%- endif -%}
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+layout: default
+<article class="post">
+ <header class="post-header">
+ <h1 class="post-title">{{ page.title | escape }}</h1>
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+ {{ content }}
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+layout: default
+<article itemscope itemtype="">
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+ {{ page.title | escape }}
+ </h1>
+ <div id="post-sub-header">
+ <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">
+ <span itemprop="name">{{ }}</span>
+ </span>
+ •
+ <time datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished">
+ {{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}
+ </time>
+ •
+ <span itemprop="about">{{ page.description }}</span>
+ </div>
+ </header>
+ <div id="post-content" itemprop="articleBody">
+ {{ content }}
+ </div>
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title: Namecoin, A Replacement For SSL
+description: >-
+ If we use the namecoin chain as a DNS service we get security almost for
+ free, along with lots of other benefits.
At [][cryptic] we are creating a client-side, in-browser encryption
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ from tampering in-between leaving our servers and being received by the client.
Unfortunately, SSL isn't 100% foolproof. This post aims to show why SSL is
faulty, and propose a solution.
-# SSL
+## SSL
SSL is the mechanism by which web-browsers establish an encrypted connection to
web-servers. The goal of this connection is that only the destination
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ be decrypted by anyone else.
SSL is what's used to establish that secret key on a per-session basis, so that
a key isn't ever re-used and so only the client and the server know it.
-## Public-Private Key Cryptography
+### Public-Private Key Cryptography
SSL is based around public-private key cryptography. In a public-private key
system, you have both a public key which is generated from a private key. The
@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ attacker could create messages the other person would think are from you, and
the other person would encrypt messages meant for you but which would be
decrypt-able by the attacker.
-## How does SSL work?
+### How does SSL work?
SSL is at its heart a public-private key system, but its aim is to be more
secure against the attack described above.
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ gave you, which means you can trust it too.
There's a bit (a lot!) more to SSL than this, but this is enough to understand
the fundamental problems with it.
-## How SSL doesn't work
+### How SSL doesn't work
SSL has a few glaring problems. One, it implies we trust the companies holding
the root certificates to not be compromised. If some malicious agency was to get
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ few root authorities there's an effective monopoly on signatures, and there's
nothing we can do about it. For 200 bucks I know most people simply say "no
thanks" and go unencrypted. The solution is creating a bigger problem.
-# Bitcoins
+## Bitcoins
Time to switch gears, and propose a solution to the above issues: namecoins. I'm
going to first talk about what namecoins are, how they work, and why we need
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ still a bit of a novelty in the tech realm, but they're growing in popularity.
The rest of this post assumes you know more or less what bitcoins are, and how
they work.
-# Namecoins
+## Namecoins
Few people actually know about bitcoins. Even fewer know that there's other
crypto-currencies besides bitcoins. Basically, developers of these alternative
@@ -118,13 +121,13 @@ You spend namecoins to claim arbitrary keys (once you've claimed it, you own it
for a set period of time) and to give those keys arbitrary values. Anyone else
with namecoind running can see these values.
-## Why use it?
+### Why use it?
A blockchain based on a digital currency seems like a weird idea at first. I
know when I first read about it I was less than thrilled. How is this better
than a DHT? It's a key-value store, why is there a currency involved?
-### DHT
+#### DHT
DHT stands for Distributed Hash-Table. I'm not going to go too into how they
work, but suffice it to say that they are essentially a distributed key-value
@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ chain, and then replicate all the work put into the existing chain into that new
compromised one so that the new one is longer and other clients in the network
will except it. This is extremely non-trivial.
-### Why a currency?
+#### Why a currency?
To answer why a currency needs to be involved, we need to first look at how
bitcoin/namecoin work. When you take an action (send someone money, set a value
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ In the case of namecoins, there's even more reason to involve a currency. Since
you have to spend money to make changes to the chain there's a disincentive for
attackers (read: idiots) to spam the chain with frivolous changes to keys.
-### Why a *new* currency?
+#### Why a *new* currency?
I'll admit, it's a bit annoying to see all these altcoins popping up. I'm sure
many of them have some solid ideas backing them, but it also makes things
@@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ Additionally, if for some reason bitcoins fall by the wayside, namecoin will
still have a shot at continuing operation since it isn't tied to the former.
Tldr: separation of concerns.
-# Namecoin as an alternative to SSL
+## Namecoin as an alternative to SSL
And now to tie it all together.
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title: Generations
+description: >-
+ A simple file distribution strategy for very large scale, high-availability
+ file-services.
-A simple file distribution strategy for very large scale, high-availability
-# The problem
+## The problem
At [][cryptic] we plan on having millions of different
files, any of which could be arbitrarily chosen to be served any given time.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ file lives need to be up-to-date at all times, and even then there are
race-conditions and network failures to contend with, while at all times the
requirements of the app evolve and change.
-# A simpler solution
+## A simpler solution
Let's say you want all files which get uploaded to be replicated in triplicate
in some capacity. You buy three identical hard-disks, and put each on a separate
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ going to be generation 1. Repeat until you run out of money.
That's it.
-## That's it?
+### That's it?
It seems simple and obvious, and maybe it's the standard thing which is done,
but as far as I can tell no-one has written about it (though I'm probably not
searching for the right thing, let me know if this is the case!).
-## Advantages
+### Advantages
* It's so simple to implement, you could probably do it in a day if you're
starting a project from scratch
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ go.
replicated, or how many countries it's in, or what hardware it's being served
from (given you have easy access to information about specific drives).
-## Caveats
+### Caveats
The big caveat here is that this is just an idea. It has NOT been tested in
production. But we have enough faith in it that we're going to give it a shot at
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title: "Erlang, tcp sockets, and active true"
+description: >-
+ Using `{active:once}` isn't always the best way to handle connections.
If you don't know erlang then [you're missing out][0]. If you do know erlang,
@@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ number of active connections is desired. Each thread can autonomously handle its
single client, greatly simplifying the logic of the whole application while
still retaining [great performance characteristics][1].
-# Background
+## Background
For an erlang thread which owns a single socket there are three different ways
to receive data off of that socket. These all revolve around the `active`
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ to receive data off of that socket. These all revolve around the `active`
read from using [recv/2][3] or be put in `{active,once}` or
-# Which to use?
+## Which to use?
Many (most?) tutorials advocate using `{active,once}` in your application
\[0]\[1]\[2]. This has to do with usability and security. When in `{active,true}`
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ well as other messages from other erlang processes at the same time you can't
use `{active,false}`. So `{active,once}` is generally preferred because it
deals with both of these problems quite well.
-# Why not to use `{active,once}`
+## Why not to use `{active,once}`
Here's what your classic `{active,once}` enabled tcp socket implementation will
probably look like:
@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ This time our process spent almost no time at all (according to eprof, 0%)
fiddling with the socket opts. Instead it spent all of its time in the
read_loop doing the work we actually want to be doing.
-# So what does this mean?
+## So what does this mean?
I'm by no means advocating never using `{active,once}`. The security concern is
still a completely valid concern and one that `{active,once}` mitigates quite
@@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ performance implications which have the potential to bite you if you're not
careful, especially in cases where a socket is going to be receiving a large
amount of traffic.
-# Meta
+## Meta
These tests were done using R15B03, but I've done similar ones in R14 and found
similar results. I have not tested R16.
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index e8402f6..5ee121e 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
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title: Go+
+description: >-
+ A simple proof-of-concept script for doing go dependency management.
Compared to other languages go has some strange behavior regarding its project
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ cd "$ORIG_DIR"
exec go $@
-# UPDATE: Goat
+## UPDATE: Goat
I'm leaving this post for posterity, but go+ has some serious flaws in it. For
one, it doesn't allow for specifying the version of a dependency you want to
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index 6c89353..a3aee03 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Random Terrain Generation, A Clojure Walkthrough
+description: >-
+ Tackling the problem of semi-realistic looking terrain generation in
+ clojure.
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index 416690d..32a8095 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Erlang Pitfalls
+description: >-
+ Common pitfalls that people may run into when designing and writing
+ large-scale erlang applications.
I've been involved with a large-ish scale erlang project at Grooveshark since
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index 334d68a..7da7d6b 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
title: Go's http package by example
+description: >-
+ The basics of using, testing, and composing apps built using go's net/http
+ package.
Go's [http]( package has turned into one of my
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index 49b3885..373f35f 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: Happy Trees
+description: >-
+ Visualizing a forest of happy trees.
Source code related to this post is available [here](
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index bf5fe52..97c2b80 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
title: Rabbit Hole
+description: >-
+ Complex systems sometimes require complex debugging.
We've begun rolling out [SkyDNS][skydns] at my job, which has been pretty neat.
diff --git a/_posts/ b/_posts/
index e36304f..d626d67 100644
--- a/_posts/
+++ b/_posts/
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
title: Brian Bars
+description: >-
+ Cheap and easy to make, healthy, vegan, high-carb, high-protein. "The Good
+ Stuff".
It actually blows my mind it's been 4 years since I used this blog. It was
previously a tech blog, but then I started putting all my tech-related posts on
-[the cryptic blog]( As of now this is a lifestyle/travel blog. The
-me of 4 years ago would be horrified.
+[the cryptic blog]( As of now this is a lifestyle/travel
+blog. The me of 4 years ago would be horrified.
Now I just have to come up with a lifestyle and do some traveling.
-# Brian Bars
+## Recipe
This isn't a real recipe because I'm not going to preface it with my entire
fucking life story. Let's talk about the food.
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ Brian bars:
I've worked on this recipe for a bit, trying to make it workable, and will
probably keep adjusting it (and this post) as time goes on.
-## Ingredients
+### Ingredients
Nuts and seeds. Most of this recipe is nuts and seeds. Here's the ones I used:
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ The other ingredients are:
* 1.5 lbs of pitted dates (no added sugar! you don't need it!)
* 2 cups oats
-## Grind up the nuts
+### Grind up the nuts
Throw the nuts into the food processor and grind them into a powder. Then throw
that powder into a bowl along with the seeds, coconuts, raisins, and oats, and
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ mix em good.
I don't _completely_ grind up the nuts, instead leaving some chunks in it here
and there, but you do you.
-## Prepare the dates
+### Prepare the dates
This is the harder part, and is what took me a couple tries to get right. The
best strategy I've found is to steam the dates a bit over a stove to soften
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ Once processed you can add the dates to the mix from before and stir it all up.
It'll end up looking something like cookie dough. Except unlike cookie dough
it's completely safe to eat and maybe sorta healthy.
-## Bake it, Finish it
+### Bake it, Finish it
Put the dough stuff in a pan of some sort, flatten it out, and stick it in the
oven at like 250 or 300 for a few hours. You're trying to cook out the water you
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ filling and allow for pretty small portions. Wrap em in foil or plastic wrap and
take them to-go, or keep them around for a snack. Or both. Or whatever you want
to do, it's your food.
-## Cleanup
+### Cleanup
Dates are simultaneously magical and the most annoying thing to work with, so
there's cleanup problems you may run into with them:
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diff --git a/assets/normalize.css b/assets/normalize.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c6f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/normalize.css
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+/*! normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | */
+ * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.
+ * 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling
+ * user zoom.
+ */
+html {
+ font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
+ -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
+ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
+ * Remove default margin.
+ */
+body {
+ margin: 0;
+/* HTML5 display definitions
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11
+ * and Firefox.
+ * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.
+ */
+summary {
+ display: block;
+ * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
+ * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
+ */
+video {
+ display: inline-block; /* 1 */
+ vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */
+ * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
+ * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
+ */
+audio:not([controls]) {
+ display: none;
+ height: 0;
+ * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.
+ * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.
+ */
+template {
+ display: none;
+/* Links
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.
+ */
+a {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.
+ */
+a:hover {
+ outline: 0;
+/* Text-level semantics
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+ * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+strong {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.
+ */
+dfn {
+ font-style: italic;
+ * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`
+ * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+h1 {
+ font-size: 2em;
+ margin: 0.67em 0;
+ * Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
+ */
+mark {
+ background: #ff0;
+ color: #000;
+ * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
+ */
+small {
+ font-size: 80%;
+ * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
+ */
+sup {
+ font-size: 75%;
+ line-height: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+sup {
+ top: -0.5em;
+sub {
+ bottom: -0.25em;
+/* Embedded content
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.
+ */
+img {
+ border: 0;
+ * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.
+ */
+svg:not(:root) {
+ overflow: hidden;
+/* Grouping content
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.
+ */
+figure {
+ margin: 1em 40px;
+ * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
+ */
+hr {
+ -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ height: 0;
+ * Contain overflow in all browsers.
+ */
+pre {
+ overflow: auto;
+ * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.
+ */
+samp {
+ font-family: monospace, monospace;
+ font-size: 1em;
+/* Forms
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited
+ * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.
+ */
+ * 1. Correct color not being inherited.
+ * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.
+ * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.
+ * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
+ */
+textarea {
+ color: inherit; /* 1 */
+ font: inherit; /* 2 */
+ margin: 0; /* 3 */
+ * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ */
+button {
+ overflow: visible;
+ * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.
+ * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.
+ * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.
+ * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.
+ */
+select {
+ text-transform: none;
+ * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`
+ * and `video` controls.
+ * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
+ * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type
+ * `input` and others.
+ */
+html input[type="button"], /* 1 */
+input[type="submit"] {
+ -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */
+ cursor: pointer; /* 3 */
+ * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.
+ */
+html input[disabled] {
+ cursor: default;
+ * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.
+ */
+input::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in
+ * the UA stylesheet.
+ */
+input {
+ line-height: normal;
+ * It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.
+ * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.
+ *
+ * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.
+ * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.
+ */
+input[type="radio"] {
+ box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
+ padding: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain
+ * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the
+ * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.
+ */
+input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
+ height: auto;
+ * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.
+ * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome
+ * (include `-moz` to future-proof).
+ */
+input[type="search"] {
+ -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
+ -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.
+ * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has
+ * padding (and `textfield` appearance).
+ */
+input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ * Define consistent border, margin, and padding.
+ */
+fieldset {
+ border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
+ margin: 0 2px;
+ padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
+ * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.
+ */
+legend {
+ border: 0; /* 1 */
+ padding: 0; /* 2 */
+ * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.
+ */
+textarea {
+ overflow: auto;
+ * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).
+ * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.
+ */
+optgroup {
+ font-weight: bold;
+/* Tables
+ ========================================================================== */
+ * Remove most spacing between table cells.
+ */
+table {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ border-spacing: 0;
+th {
+ padding: 0;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/skeleton.css b/assets/skeleton.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f28bf6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/skeleton.css
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+* Skeleton V2.0.4
+* Copyright 2014, Dave Gamache
+* Free to use under the MIT license.
+* 12/29/2014
+/* Table of contents
+- Grid
+- Base Styles
+- Typography
+- Links
+- Buttons
+- Forms
+- Lists
+- Code
+- Tables
+- Spacing
+- Utilities
+- Clearing
+- Media Queries
+/* Grid
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+.container {
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 960px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ padding: 0 20px;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.columns {
+ width: 100%;
+ float: left;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+/* For devices larger than 400px */
+@media (min-width: 400px) {
+ .container {
+ width: 85%;
+ padding: 0; }
+/* For devices larger than 550px */
+@media (min-width: 550px) {
+ .container {
+ width: 80%; }
+ .column,
+ .columns {
+ margin-left: 4%; }
+ .column:first-child,
+ .columns:first-child {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .one.column,
+ .one.columns { width: 4.66666666667%; }
+ .two.columns { width: 13.3333333333%; }
+ .three.columns { width: 22%; }
+ .four.columns { width: 30.6666666667%; }
+ .five.columns { width: 39.3333333333%; }
+ .six.columns { width: 48%; }
+ .seven.columns { width: 56.6666666667%; }
+ .eight.columns { width: 65.3333333333%; }
+ .nine.columns { width: 74.0%; }
+ .ten.columns { width: 82.6666666667%; }
+ .eleven.columns { width: 91.3333333333%; }
+ .twelve.columns { width: 100%; margin-left: 0; }
+ .one-third.column { width: 30.6666666667%; }
+ .two-thirds.column { width: 65.3333333333%; }
+ .one-half.column { width: 48%; }
+ /* Offsets */
+ .offset-by-one.column,
+ .offset-by-one.columns { margin-left: 8.66666666667%; }
+ .offset-by-two.column,
+ .offset-by-two.columns { margin-left: 17.3333333333%; }
+ .offset-by-three.column,
+ .offset-by-three.columns { margin-left: 26%; }
+ .offset-by-four.column,
+ .offset-by-four.columns { margin-left: 34.6666666667%; }
+ .offset-by-five.column,
+ .offset-by-five.columns { margin-left: 43.3333333333%; }
+ .offset-by-six.column,
+ .offset-by-six.columns { margin-left: 52%; }
+ .offset-by-seven.column,
+ .offset-by-seven.columns { margin-left: 60.6666666667%; }
+ .offset-by-eight.column,
+ .offset-by-eight.columns { margin-left: 69.3333333333%; }
+ .offset-by-nine.column,
+ .offset-by-nine.columns { margin-left: 78.0%; }
+ .offset-by-ten.column,
+ .offset-by-ten.columns { margin-left: 86.6666666667%; }
+ .offset-by-eleven.column,
+ .offset-by-eleven.columns { margin-left: 95.3333333333%; }
+ .offset-by-one-third.column,
+ .offset-by-one-third.columns { margin-left: 34.6666666667%; }
+ .offset-by-two-thirds.column,
+ .offset-by-two-thirds.columns { margin-left: 69.3333333333%; }
+ .offset-by-one-half.column,
+ .offset-by-one-half.columns { margin-left: 52%; }
+/* Base Styles
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+/* NOTE
+html is set to 62.5% so that all the REM measurements throughout Skeleton
+are based on 10px sizing. So basically 1.5rem = 15px :) */
+html {
+ font-size: 62.5%; }
+body {
+ font-size: 1.5em; /* currently ems cause chrome bug misinterpreting rems on body element */
+ line-height: 1.6;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ font-family: "Raleway", "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ color: #222; }
+/* Typography
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 2rem;
+ font-weight: 300; }
+h1 { font-size: 4.0rem; line-height: 1.2; letter-spacing: -.1rem;}
+h2 { font-size: 3.6rem; line-height: 1.25; letter-spacing: -.1rem; }
+h3 { font-size: 3.0rem; line-height: 1.3; letter-spacing: -.1rem; }
+h4 { font-size: 2.4rem; line-height: 1.35; letter-spacing: -.08rem; }
+h5 { font-size: 1.8rem; line-height: 1.5; letter-spacing: -.05rem; }
+h6 { font-size: 1.5rem; line-height: 1.6; letter-spacing: 0; }
+/* Larger than phablet */
+@media (min-width: 550px) {
+ h1 { font-size: 5.0rem; }
+ h2 { font-size: 4.2rem; }
+ h3 { font-size: 3.6rem; }
+ h4 { font-size: 3.0rem; }
+ h5 { font-size: 2.4rem; }
+ h6 { font-size: 1.5rem; }
+p {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+/* Links
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+a {
+ color: #1EAEDB; }
+a:hover {
+ color: #0FA0CE; }
+/* Buttons
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+input[type="button"] {
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 38px;
+ padding: 0 30px;
+ color: #555;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 11px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ line-height: 38px;
+ letter-spacing: .1rem;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ border: 1px solid #bbb;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+input[type="button"]:focus {
+ color: #333;
+ border-color: #888;
+ outline: 0; }
+input[type="button"].button-primary {
+ color: #FFF;
+ background-color: #33C3F0;
+ border-color: #33C3F0; }
+input[type="button"].button-primary:focus {
+ color: #FFF;
+ background-color: #1EAEDB;
+ border-color: #1EAEDB; }
+/* Forms
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+select {
+ height: 38px;
+ padding: 6px 10px; /* The 6px vertically centers text on FF, ignored by Webkit */
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #D1D1D1;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+/* Removes awkward default styles on some inputs for iOS */
+textarea {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+ appearance: none; }
+textarea {
+ min-height: 65px;
+ padding-top: 6px;
+ padding-bottom: 6px; }
+select:focus {
+ border: 1px solid #33C3F0;
+ outline: 0; }
+legend {
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: .5rem;
+ font-weight: 600; }
+fieldset {
+ padding: 0;
+ border-width: 0; }
+input[type="radio"] {
+ display: inline; }
+label > .label-body {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-left: .5rem;
+ font-weight: normal; }
+/* Lists
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+ul {
+ list-style: circle inside; }
+ol {
+ list-style: decimal inside; }
+ol, ul {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ul ul,
+ul ol,
+ol ol,
+ol ul {
+ margin: 1.5rem 0 1.5rem 3rem;
+ font-size: 90%; }
+li {
+ margin-bottom: 1rem; }
+/* Code
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+code {
+ padding: .2rem .5rem;
+ margin: 0 .2rem;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ background: #F1F1F1;
+ border: 1px solid #E1E1E1;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+pre > code {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 1rem 1.5rem;
+ white-space: pre; }
+/* Tables
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+td {
+ padding: 12px 15px;
+ text-align: left;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #E1E1E1; }
+td:first-child {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+td:last-child {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+/* Spacing
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+.button {
+ margin-bottom: 1rem; }
+fieldset {
+ margin-bottom: 1.5rem; }
+form {
+ margin-bottom: 2.5rem; }
+/* Utilities
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+.u-full-width {
+ width: 100%;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.u-max-full-width {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.u-pull-right {
+ float: right; }
+.u-pull-left {
+ float: left; }
+/* Misc
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+hr {
+ margin-top: 3rem;
+ margin-bottom: 3.5rem;
+ border-width: 0;
+ border-top: 1px solid #E1E1E1; }
+/* Clearing
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+/* Self Clearing Goodness */
+.u-cf {
+ content: "";
+ display: table;
+ clear: both; }
+/* Media Queries
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– */
+Note: The best way to structure the use of media queries is to create the queries
+near the relevant code. For example, if you wanted to change the styles for buttons
+on small devices, paste the mobile query code up in the buttons section and style it
+/* Larger than mobile */
+@media (min-width: 400px) {}
+/* Larger than phablet (also point when grid becomes active) */
+@media (min-width: 550px) {}
+/* Larger than tablet */
+@media (min-width: 750px) {}
+/* Larger than desktop */
+@media (min-width: 1000px) {}
+/* Larger than Desktop HD */
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {}
diff --git a/favicon.ico b/favicon.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 45131e0..0000000
--- a/favicon.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb5d67..0000000
--- a/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# You don't need to edit this file, it's empty on purpose.
-# Edit theme's home layout instead if you wanna make some changes
-# See:
-layout: home
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b5ccc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# By default, content added below the "---" mark will appear in the home page
+# between the top bar and the list of recent posts.
+# To change the home page layout, edit the _layouts/home.html file.
+# See:
+layout: home