path: root/static/src/_posts/
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-title: >-
- Ginger Names
-description: >-
- Thoughts about a fundamental data type.
-tags: tech
-series: ginger
-The ginger language has, so far, 2 core types implemented: numbers and names.
-Obviously there will be more coming later, but at this stage of development
-these are all that's really needed. Numbers are pretty self explanatory, but
-it's worth talking about names a bit.
-As they are currently defined, a name's only property is that it can either be
-equal or not equal to another name. Syntactically they are encoded as being any
-alphanumeric token starting with an alphabetic character. We might _think_ of
-them as being strings, but names lack nearly all capabilities that strings have:
-they cannot be iterated over, they cannot be concatenated, they cannot be split.
-Names can only be compared for equality.
-## Utility
-The use-case for names is self-explanatory: they are words which identify
-something from amongst a group.
-Consider your own name. It _might_ have an ostensible meaning. Mine, Brian,
-means "high" (as in... like a hill, which is the possible root word). But when
-people yell "Brian" across the room I'm in, they don't mean a hill. They mean
-me, because that word is used to identify me from amongst others. The etymology
-is essentially background information which doesn't matter.
-We use names all the time in programming, though we don't always call them that.
-Variable names, package names, type names, function names, struct field names.
-There's also keys which get used in hash maps, which are essentially names, as
-well as enumerations. By defining name as a core type we can cover a lot of
-## Precedence
-This is not the first time a name has been used as a core type. Ruby has
-symbols, which look like `:this`. Clojure has keywords, which also look like
-`:this`, and it has symbols, which look like `this`. Erlang has atoms, which
-don't have a prefix and so look like `this`. I can't imagine these are the only
-examples. They are all called different things, but they're all essentially the
-same thing: a runtime value which can only be compared for equality.
-I can't speak much about ruby, but I _can_ speak about clojure and erlang.
-Clojure is a LISP language, meaning the language itself is described using the
-data types and structures built into the language. Ginger is also a LISP, though
-it uses graphs instead of lists.
-Clojure keywords are generally used as keys to hash maps, sentinel values, and
-enumerations. Besides keywords, clojure also makes use of symbols, which are
-used for variable and library names. There seems to be some kind of split
-ability on symbols, as they are expected to be separated on their periods when
-importing, as in ``. There's also a quoting mechanism in clojure,
-where prefixing a symbol, or other value, with a single quote, like `'this`,
-prevents it from being evaluated as a variable or function call.
-It's also possible to have something get quoted multiple layers deep, like
-`'''this`. This can get confusing.
-Erlang is not a LISP language, but it does have atoms. These values are used in
-the same way that clojure keywords are used. There is no need for a
-corresponding symbol type like clojure has, since erlang is not a LISP and has
-no real macro system. Atoms are sort of used like symbols, in that functions and
-packages are identified by an atom, and so one can "call" an atom, like
-`this()`, in order to evaluate it.
-## Just Names
-I don't really see the need for clojure's separation between keywords and
-symbols. Symbols still need to be quoted in order to prevent evaluation either
-way, so you end up with three different entities to juggle (keywords, symbols,
-and symbols which won't be evaluated). Erlang's solution is simpler, atoms are
-just atoms, and since evaluation is explicit there's no need for quoting. Ginger
-names are like erlang atoms in that they are the only tool at hand.
-The approaches of erlang vs clojure could be reframed as explicit vs implicit
-evaluation of operations calls.
-In ginger evaluation is currently done implicitly, but in only two cases:
-* A value on an edge is evaluated to the first value which is a graph (which
- then gets interpreted as an operation).
-* A leaf vertex with a name value is evaluated to the first value which is not a
- name.
-In all other cases, the value is left as-is. A graph does not need to be quoted,
-since the need to evaluate a graph as an operation is already based on its
-placement as an edge or not. So the only case left where quoting is needed (if
-implicit evaluation continues to be used) is a name on a leaf vertex, as in the
-example before.
-As an example to explore explicit vs implicit quoting in ginger, if we want to
-programatically call the `AddValueIn` method on a graph, which terminates an
-open edge into a value, and that value is a name, it might look like this with
-implicit evaluation (the clojure-like example):
-out = addValueIn < (g (quote < someName;) someValue; );
-* or, to borrow the clojure syntax, where single quote is a shortcut:
-out = addValueIn < (g; 'someName; someValue; );
-In an explicit evaluation language, which ginger so far has not been and so this
-will look weird, we might end up with something like this:
-out = addValueIn < (eval < g; someName; eval < someValue; );
-* with $ as sugar for the `eval`, like ' is a shortcut for `quote` in clojure:`
-out = addValueIn < ($g; someName; $someValue; );
-I don't _like_ either pattern, and since it's such a specific case I feel like
-something less obtrusive could come up. So no decisions here yet.
-## Uniqueness
-There's another idea I haven't really gotten to the bottom of yet. The idea is
-that a name, _maybe_, shouldn't be considered equal to the same name unless they
-belong to the same graph.
-For example:
-otherFoo = { out = 'foo } < ();
-out = equal < ('foo; otherFoo; );
-This would output false. `otherFoo`'s value is the name `foo`, and the value
-it's being compared to is also a name `foo`, but they are from different graphs
-and so are not equal. In essence, names are automatically namespaces.
-This idea only really makes sense in the context of packages, where a user
-(a developer) wants to import functionality from somewhere else and use it
-in their program. The code package which is imported will likely use name
-values internally to implement its functionality, but it shouldn't need to worry
-about naming conflicts with values passed in by the user. While it's possible to
-avoid conflicts if a package is designed conscientiously, it's also easy to mess
-up if one isn't careful. This becomes especially true when combining
-functionality of packages with overlapping functionality, where the data
-returned from one might looks _similar_ to that used by the other, but it's not
-necessarily true.
-On the other hand, this could create some real headaches for the developer, as
-they chase down errors which are caused because one `foo` isn't actually the
-same as another `foo`.
-What it really comes down to is the mechanism which packages use to function as
-packages. Forced namespaces will require packages to export all names which they
-expect the user to need to work with the package. So the ergonomics of that
-exporting, both on the user's and package's side, are really important in order
-to make this bearable.
-So it's hard to make any progress on determining if this idea is gonna work
-until the details of packaging are worked out. But for this idea to work the
-packaging is going to need to be designed with it in mind. It's a bit of a
-puzzle, and one that I'm going to marinate on longer, in addition to the quoting
-of names.
-And that's names, their current behavior and possible future behavior. Keep an
-eye out for more ginger posts in.... many months, because I'm going to go work
-on other things for a while (I say, with a post from a month ago having ended
-with the same sentiment).